Dedicated to exposing all the women who complain about wanting a "good man", to show women's poor dating behavior and unreasonable standards while offering little to no value themselves.
Posted 1y ago in Entitlement Princess - Permalink - Locked - 12.8K Views
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We're just a bunch of clueless NiceGuys™ with kindness coins that don't seem to work in women's holes so that the sex we're "entitled to" falls out. Because apparently we weren't demonstrating good relationship material through the attention, respect and stability that women demand. We were only "pretending" to be nice just to get laid.
In response to r/niceguys, this forum is dedicated to exposing all the women who complain about wanting a "good man" after dating jerks and riding the cock carousel in the prime of their youth, and think they're deserving of commitment and financial stability when all they have left to offer is their depreciating looks, narcissistic mentality, used-up vaginas, and another man's kids.
Women in their 20s have numerous opportunities to date the decent men they claim to want, but many reject or friendzone these men for jerks and promiscuity. She takes advantage of a good dude's kindness for attention and favors, then accuses him of being a bad person who thinks he's entitled to sex.
But when she's in her 30s with depreciating looks, jerks who won't commit, the likelihood of being a single mom, and the social pressure from her married friends, she asks "Where have all the good men gone?"[1][2] Funny how back when she was chasing the bad boys "Being nice is the bare minimum", but now that she's past her prime and needs a bailout, she wants a man with nice guy traits.
Furthermore, dating jerks and riding the carousel before settling down with a good man is planned by many women, and encouraged by feminists. They then come to the dating market with unreasonable standards while offering little to no value themselves. Such women are totally unaware that the mature, stable men they now need are the same decent men they rejected, except these men remember the rejection and are responding in kind to avoid unstable, unappreciative women who view them more as ATMs than romantic partners.
The reason women end up here is because their behavior is not exposed as the lucid, self-destructive, feminist ideology that it is. And we're here to help Good Men guard their commitment and resources by exposing women who would make poor life partners and mothers of their children. Providing observations and opinions on the posts here allows us to better understand women's psyche and later depressive/miserable state when they are not held to a moral standard required for healthy, functioning relationships.
Rules of conduct:
1. No shaming men for any reason.
2. No white-knighting or NAWALT. This is not a debate forum.
3. No comments such as "Her profile looks decent", "She's not asking for much", "At least she's honest". No comments saying a post is fake without proof. Proof must be sent via modmail.
- 4. No brigading, doxxing or witch-hunting. Do not look for the individuals posted here, nor ask or give their personal info/social media, nor ask or give the source or you will be banned and reported to the admins. See here and here.
Rules for submission:
5. Submissions must show a woman who is looking for commitment while also either complaining about jerks or promiscuity, needing her kids provided for, being entitled or unreasonable, or complaining that she "can't find a decent guy". (Examples, details)
5b. No posts of women who are merely fat, post-wall, unattractive, seeking sex or money, nor women merely behaving badly. (Examples NOT allowed)
6. No personal information in dating profiles or social media accounts. Take a screenshot and censor all names, social media, hometown, school, and place of work. Additionally, censor any children's faces if their mommy included them in any profile photos.
7. No links to any subreddits or websites, nor crossposts where the OP is a woman. For articles use For Reddit use a censored screenshot. Screenshots must contain the full story. No links to any women's Youtube, TikTok, etc. videos. Use to upload videos after censoring them through
8. We accept images from Imgur, Postimage, and ImgBB.
- 9. Other content may be posted on the weekends. See the types of content we allow.
Recommended reading:
Dating profiles showing women's Dual-Mating strategy and unreasonable standards
OkCupid study shows women reject 80% of men based on looks alone
Milo - The Sexodus: The Men Giving Up On Women And Checking Out Of Society
Women Want to Know Why Men Don't Want to Marry Anymore...Allow Me
WAATGM mod explains why promiscuous women can't get good men to commit.
Okay, I get it. You're sick of hearing men complain about girls only dating assholes.
Dear Girls Who Are (Finally) Ready To Date Nice Guys: We Don’t Want You Anymore
Dear Single Moms: I wasn't your type then, why am I all of a sudden your type now?
The Truth About Single Moms Who Bring Young Children To The Dating Market
Carol asks WAATGM for the harsh truth after riding the carousel
- Complete list of resources here.
Link Flair:
The Big Question- Carol asks "Where are all the good men?", "Why can't I find a decent guy?", "What happened to chivalry and respect?"
Bailout- Carol wants a man to help raise her kids and provide financial stability.
Leftovers- Carol whines about how hard dating is as an older woman.
Dual-Mating Strategy- Carol admits to promiscuity and dating jerks but now wants a good guy to settle down with. Alpha Fucks, Beta Bucks.
Cock Carousel Rider: Carol complains about being single while having a history of promiscuity.
Entitlement Princess- Carol has unreasonable standards while offering little to no value herself.
- New Carols Unlocked!- A list of all the Carols we've identified.
Content Archive:
Related forums:
kevin32 Ambassador for NiceGuys™ 1y ago Stickied
@houseoftolstoy explains why men suggest coffee or a walk when women demand expensive dates.
houseoftolstoy Unchivalrous Christian 1y ago
It seems you have done more diligence in saving references to my posts than I have myself. I may have to save some local versions of my work, as I do not always remember every time I have something that someone else thought was worth saving.
moorekom Urban Hoe Guerrilla 1y ago
Dinner dates are reserved for women you know, like, respect and are serious about. Online randos are none of those. Entitled, broke, inspin women not understanding about how to build a relationship is not surprising.
polishknight WAATGM Endorsed 1y ago
The justification used by women is that they want the man to spend money to show he's "serious" and "really likes her" but they have no way to show reciprocal interest (aside from a chance of having sex with them) hence why they're angry at the consequences of them attracting sexual beggars or players.
Bottom line: Young pretty women can demand decent men pay for dinner dates because they have insane SMV. That doesn't make them doing so moral or healthy, but merely they can make such demands and most men will go along.
Napoleon says never interrupt the enemy when he's make a mistake, but if such women took a long view, and looked at a guy's total assets but tried to pass herself off as a submissive, traditional woman, they might be able to fool them. Back when I was 25 with some money in my pocket, I'd probably have fallen for a single mother if she had cooked me a homemade dinner and pretended to care noticing that I had a high paying job at the time and zero debt.
I know of at least one woman who as a teenager wound up marrying her "sweetheart" who asked her out on a date and paid for it and that was what she wanted. They had ZILCH otherwise in common and she wound up divorcing him about 7 years later (not a single mother).
moorekom Urban Hoe Guerrilla 1y ago
Young pretty women can demand decent men pay for dinner dates because men allow it. This does not work in all countries and this does not work with all men.
polishknight WAATGM Endorsed 1y ago
Good point, chuckling. At least in feminized Sweden and Denmark, the women reputably pay their own way. Does anyone with knowledge of the USA and those countries have an opinion as to whether the USA, overall, now stinks so awful that even Sweden and Denmark women are better?
woodsmoke Respectful reprobate 1y ago
Shit, Swedish women used to be the gold standard by which all other women were judged.
This was, of course, before they all committed ideological seppuku via opening the door to an invading Arabic army.
moorekom Urban Hoe Guerrilla 1y ago
I do not have first-hand experience, so take this with a grain of salt: yes, that is what I heard. But take solace in the fact that there are worse places than USA. Canada, I hear, is even worse.
Bob_and_Virginia Jr. Hamster Analyst 1y ago
Canada is ALWAYS worse. ALWAYS. Hahah!
hornetsfalcons12 Sr. Hamster Analyst 1y ago
Canada is simultaneously more feminist and more expensive to live in. So there’s probably a ton of 20-something women who expected to girlboss their way through life, are now realizing that they’re stacking roommates to keep rent under half of their take home pay, and are switching financial strategies to “collect dates from men”
Problematic_Browser Sr. Hamster Analyst 1y ago
Okay time for another episode of As a black guy™
As a black guy, this shit is endemic within our community.
First, she's obese. This is an immediate disqualification but sadly most black women have this body type and they're proud of it. They won't ever make the link between their bodies and their inability to get anything outside of the men at the bottom of the dating pool. They complain about "dusties" and things "screaming broke", but don't think twice about the relationship between their weight and a man's willingness to open his wallet.
Black men at the top don't date fat women because we don't have to.
Second, "dating with a purpose" is a vacuous statement. It doesn't mean anything concrete outside of letting us know that in her past she was just about having a good time. Now that the party is over, she's trying to find a man to help her clean up the mess that she's made out of her life. Having a child is a big red flag when you pair it with this statement - it means that child didn't come from a marriage, but rather a irresponsible hookup with, in all likelihood, a bottom barrel man.
Black men at the top don't care to be your fallback plan and help you raise pookie's baby because we don't have to.
Third, she's broke. She isn't broke in the economic sense, but in the ways that women should have value to men. It would not be worth commenting on, but she has the fucking chutzpah to demand men provide resources to her on her terms. If she is demanding men "not be broke" then we get to demand the things from her that we value and - on that front - this woman is grossly insufficient.
Black men at the top want value for their extremely rare commitment because - like it or not - we're the prize.
Finally, don't date these single broads who love Beyonce because their fandom tells you everything you need to know about them - they're fucking sheep who are eating up lies about the single lady life from a woman who is absolutely working her ass off to maintain her marriage.
reignoferror00 1y ago
Not looking for just a free meal, it must be lavish dining experience. She's a chef, who won't cook. She has her own everything, so now she wants your own everything. Apply now, with a large fee, to be absorbed. Ante up, all money down and with constant high interest rates charged to you. She'll suck you dry, but not in any good way. She has a plan, less endearing than one from an ancient eldritch horror.
RobertElrick 1y ago
I think it's pretty obvious you don't appreciate walking anywhere at all, honey.
EmpireCrimson 1y ago
The delusion is real. Her demands don't match her market value. A guy with a job who wants a family has no reason to extend hers when he can find someone healthy and childless to "wife up". Ironically, coffee and a walk in the park is exactly what she needs.
Typo-MAGAshiv asshole. giga-shitlord. worst mod EVAR. 1y ago
Incidents of women getting repulsed (or "catching the ick" as you YOLO-swag youngsters say) by men using coupons remind me of this webcomic I saw that was spoofing on D&D.
A wizard's apprentice was pleased with himself, telling his master "look! I haggled the shopkeeper down from 500gp to 470gp!"
The wizard replied "great work, but the spell specifically calls for 500gp worth of diamond dust. Go back and buy 30gp more."
These entitled women are like that, only less humorous. The quality of the experience, the enjoyment of the time together, etc don't matter as much as the amount of money spent.
Someone should test (for Science!) if these women would be thrilled at receiving a pile of dog shit, as long as you spent a bunch of money on it.
Your profile screams "entitlement".
lurkerhasarisen A Strategist Among Tacticians 1y ago
Is it Artisinal
Typo-MAGAshiv asshole. giga-shitlord. worst mod EVAR. 1y ago
But of course! What kind of uncouth philistine do you take me for?
NotaBene Sr. Hamster Analyst 1y ago
Don't forget to attack the darkness
woodsmoke Respectful reprobate 1y ago
And watch out for the Dread Gazebo.
SarsaparillaCorona 1y ago
Isn't that literally all of the ghetto ass hype fashion brands lmao.
One of the biggest turn offs for me is always how many fashion labels they wear and how much they look like a walking billboard for those brands. Your LV handbag you paid for with credit isn't fooling anyone except yourself and other vapid women, darling.
NotaBene Sr. Hamster Analyst 1y ago
Meanwhile, I tape up permanent logos in my home, on my possessions, on my car, don't wear clothes with logos, and block all ads/commercials. "Sophisticated" women like this can't understand me, and I kinda like it that way.
Bob_and_Virginia Jr. Hamster Analyst 1y ago
Damn, bro! I do the same for some things. I debadge them.
ObliviousDuck Jr. Hamster Analyst 1y ago
... even her own gravity field.
Hurr durr. I'll see myself out.
Bob_and_Virginia Jr. Hamster Analyst 1y ago
A while back, Pluto was voted out as a planet. Guess what's going to take its place?
GimmeTheUsual Sr. Hamster Analyst 1y ago
Her personal Event Horizon is useful when she needs to throw out the burger wrappers from breakfast, just toss 'em in and they disappear. (Just like her mouth.)
hornetsfalcons12 Sr. Hamster Analyst 1y ago
I just pray that her child isn’t a son. If it is, he’ll be manipulated into becoming a son husband soon. Since no man will willingly deal with this chick on her terms, she will have to emotionally abuse the kid.
Overkill_Engine WAATGM Endorsed 1y ago
And then society wonders why so many young men go criminal.
Overkill_Engine WAATGM Endorsed 1y ago
Claims she isn't looking for a free meal. Refuses dates that aren't expensive meals.
Technically correct?
Edit: on a more serious note, she's just shooting herself in the foot, a man that can meet the demands she is making can also meet the demands of a woman that is younger, slimmer, and childless.
Problematic_Browser Sr. Hamster Analyst 1y ago
And that's the silver fucking bullet isn't it? The more they demand, the less likely they are to get it. Worse, rather than do what the red pill says (if you want to improve your outcomes, improve yourself) they go the complete opposite way and make their situation worse while thinking it's their "sTaNdArrrrDS" that keep the wrong men in their lives and the right ones away.
If you want to shut up any of these broads, ask them the question. They never have an answer. When Saint Kevin did it, they all blue-screened and you could hear the memory dump in real time.
lurkerhasarisen A Strategist Among Tacticians 1y ago
No meal with her is going to be inexpensive. I make around six figures and I'd have to take out a home equity loan to pay for her order at White Castle.
No-Stress-Cat 1y ago
ElliotPagesLeftTit 1y ago
Says she’s not looking for a free meal.
Invite her to the nicest restaurant in town. Tell her “Separate checks”
How do you think that will go over? Women have such unrealistic ideas about their SMV/MMV.
AsianDude 1y ago
tbh, I would rather go to the restaurant myself than with someone like her, even if she was willing to pick up the bill. I enjoy my privacy man... its not worth the embarrassment to be with someone like that.
Vermillion-Rx Penchant for plastic dolls 1y ago
She has "her own everything" and "doesn't want a free meal" but at the same time she won't do near-costless dates to solely vibe-check with someone??
Color me blind but something isn't adding up here. It's almost like she's uptalking her own supposed humility and non-neediness for a bailout/wealthy man, but then blaming society for needing an alpha bux as a means of covering her actual mentality and intentions
Impressive-Cricket-8 Founding member of FapGPT 1y ago
Rule of thumb: don't spend more than her BMI on a first date - and if that would put a dent in your wallet, you shouldn't be dating her either way.
SpiritualEnema Jr. Hamster Analyst 1y ago
Damn I’m stealing this
No-Stress-Cat 1y ago
This must be New Jersey. They've had a bout of whales wash up on the beach lately.
Vermillion-Rx Penchant for plastic dolls 1y ago
That's offensive to whales man. Have more respect for those majestic sea creatures
No-Stress-Cat 1y ago
Oh yeah, my bad. At first it was just women wanting to invade men's spaces. Now they want to invade the spaces of other species. What sad times we live in.
Vermillion-Rx Penchant for plastic dolls 1y ago
Yeah man it's sad, they be trying to copy sloths and whales and snakes like no one's business
AsianDude 1y ago
Not sure what is wrong with 2 for US$20 spots man... in there city where I live, there are several budget spots that serve better food than at pricey restaurants. I have been to plenty of dates with young attractive women in budget spots.
I noticed that many older women with 'experience' have either similar or higher expectations than young attractive college girls or even women in their early 20's. Tbh, if a college girl can get over her initial hesitation of dating someone a decade older, it is actually easier for me to date her than an older 'experienced' woman. Curious if anyone has experienced something similar?
woodsmoke Respectful reprobate 1y ago Stickied
Removed for rule 1.
"Simps and suckers," as you call them, generally are real men who simply don't know any better. Just as most of us didn't before finding the red pill.
I recommend familiarizing yourself with the rules in the side bar if you plan to continue posting here.
Typo-MAGAshiv asshole. giga-shitlord. worst mod EVAR. 1y ago Stickied
1) That wasn't an invitation to argue or debate. We expect all participants to comply with the rules, or they will be banned.
2) he doesn't mean the TRP sidebar, but rather the WAATGM sidebar. We are a separate entity with separate rules, and if you "knew it inherently" we wouldn't be having this discussion.
That half-black, half-white button at the top of the page will open the sidebar and display the rules of participation. Familiarize yourself with them.
None of them are up for negotiation or debate, including rule 1 (no shaming men for any reason).
Edit - fuck it. Banned.
Problematic_Browser Sr. Hamster Analyst 1y ago
I am picturing you typing out that well-reasoned response then pausing right at the end.
lemko1968 1y ago
No meal with her would be inexpensive, even if it was just McDonald’s!
MentORPHEUS TRP Endorsed 1y ago
Her phone must have autocorrected the original ending "-Beyond Sense" right as she clicked the post button.