Dedicated to exposing all the women who complain about wanting a "good man", to show women's poor dating behavior and unreasonable standards while offering little to no value themselves.
Posted 6mo ago in Leftovers - Permalink - Locked - 5.4K Views
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We're just a bunch of clueless NiceGuys™ with kindness coins that don't seem to work in women's holes so that the sex we're "entitled to" falls out. Because apparently we weren't demonstrating good relationship material through the attention, respect and stability that women demand. We were only "pretending" to be nice just to get laid.
In response to r/niceguys, this forum is dedicated to exposing all the women who complain about wanting a "good man" after dating jerks and riding the cock carousel in the prime of their youth, and think they're deserving of commitment and financial stability when all they have left to offer is their depreciating looks, narcissistic mentality, used-up vaginas, and another man's kids.
Women in their 20s have numerous opportunities to date the decent men they claim to want, but many reject or friendzone these men for jerks and promiscuity. She takes advantage of a good dude's kindness for attention and favors, then accuses him of being a bad person who thinks he's entitled to sex.
But when she's in her 30s with depreciating looks, jerks who won't commit, the likelihood of being a single mom, and the social pressure from her married friends, she asks "Where have all the good men gone?"[1][2] Funny how back when she was chasing the bad boys "Being nice is the bare minimum", but now that she's past her prime and needs a bailout, she wants a man with nice guy traits.
Furthermore, dating jerks and riding the carousel before settling down with a good man is planned by many women, and encouraged by feminists. They then come to the dating market with unreasonable standards while offering little to no value themselves. Such women are totally unaware that the mature, stable men they now need are the same decent men they rejected, except these men remember the rejection and are responding in kind to avoid unstable, unappreciative women who view them more as ATMs than romantic partners.
The reason women end up here is because their behavior is not exposed as the lucid, self-destructive, feminist ideology that it is. And we're here to help Good Men guard their commitment and resources by exposing women who would make poor life partners and mothers of their children. Providing observations and opinions on the posts here allows us to better understand women's psyche and later depressive/miserable state when they are not held to a moral standard required for healthy, functioning relationships.
Rules of conduct:
1. No shaming men for any reason.
2. No white-knighting or NAWALT. This is not a debate forum.
3. No comments such as "Her profile looks decent", "She's not asking for much", "At least she's honest". No comments saying a post is fake without proof. Proof must be sent via modmail.
- 4. No brigading, doxxing or witch-hunting. Do not look for the individuals posted here, nor ask or give their personal info/social media, nor ask or give the source or you will be banned and reported to the admins. See here and here.
Rules for submission:
5. Submissions must show a woman who is looking for commitment while also either complaining about jerks or promiscuity, needing her kids provided for, being entitled or unreasonable, or complaining that she "can't find a decent guy". (Examples, details)
5b. No posts of women who are merely fat, post-wall, unattractive, seeking sex or money, nor women merely behaving badly. (Examples NOT allowed)
6. No personal information in dating profiles or social media accounts. Take a screenshot and censor all names, social media, hometown, school, and place of work. Additionally, censor any children's faces if their mommy included them in any profile photos.
7. No links to any subreddits or websites, nor crossposts where the OP is a woman. For articles use For Reddit use a censored screenshot. Screenshots must contain the full story. No links to any women's Youtube, TikTok, etc. videos. Use to upload videos after censoring them through
8. We accept images from Imgur, Postimage, and ImgBB.
- 9. Other content may be posted on the weekends. See the types of content we allow.
Recommended reading:
Dating profiles showing women's Dual-Mating strategy and unreasonable standards
OkCupid study shows women reject 80% of men based on looks alone
Milo - The Sexodus: The Men Giving Up On Women And Checking Out Of Society
Women Want to Know Why Men Don't Want to Marry Anymore...Allow Me
WAATGM mod explains why promiscuous women can't get good men to commit.
Okay, I get it. You're sick of hearing men complain about girls only dating assholes.
Dear Girls Who Are (Finally) Ready To Date Nice Guys: We Don’t Want You Anymore
Dear Single Moms: I wasn't your type then, why am I all of a sudden your type now?
The Truth About Single Moms Who Bring Young Children To The Dating Market
Carol asks WAATGM for the harsh truth after riding the carousel
- Complete list of resources here.
Link Flair:
The Big Question- Carol asks "Where are all the good men?", "Why can't I find a decent guy?", "What happened to chivalry and respect?"
Bailout- Carol wants a man to help raise her kids and provide financial stability.
Leftovers- Carol whines about how hard dating is as an older woman.
Dual-Mating Strategy- Carol admits to promiscuity and dating jerks but now wants a good guy to settle down with. Alpha Fucks, Beta Bucks.
Cock Carousel Rider: Carol complains about being single while having a history of promiscuity.
Entitlement Princess- Carol has unreasonable standards while offering little to no value herself.
- New Carols Unlocked!- A list of all the Carols we've identified.
Content Archive:
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polishknight WAATGM Endorsed 6mo ago Stickied
Approved by @Typo-MAGAshiv. I had suggested Chad Chaser as flair but philosophically, she also appears to say she's Damaged Goods.
houseoftolstoy Unchivalrous Christian 6mo ago
I can guarantee they would have been better partners for sure. But this Carol here found it far more important to feel a "spark" than to consider long term factors when it comes to a relationship. All I hear when she says "feel a spark" is that she operates solely on her emotions at the moment and takes no consideration for the future. Thus, the first and last step she took in evaluating a man for marriage was "do I feel the tingles?" It should not be shocking that this is not a proper foundation for a marriage.
Being ruled by your impulses means you will most likely never achieve anything worthwhile because you can never practice patience or have any restraint. If she could appreciate that, perhaps the "boring" guy would not be so boring to her.
Vermillion-Rx Penchant for plastic dolls 6mo ago
Slightest spark = a lot tingles
Let's not be fooled what she requires to be happy
polishknight WAATGM Endorsed 6mo ago
I'm writing up something for WATGMA but the short version is this: Such women are utterly dead inside needing the "spark" or "tingle" to wake them up from their empty materialistic existence.
For example: When my daughter was born, she was PERFECT. It wasn't because she really was perfect, of course, but she was MINE and I loved her unconditionally. If she could be annoying, it was ok because I put those things aside to work on finding other things to love about her. I FOUND ways to love her because I already did and what choice did I have? She's my daughter.
My wife is annoying as heck but I find things to love about her. I have a choice: I can be miserable or I can make lemonade.
Modern women put the burden on OTHERS to make them happy and to love them. Men need to be "lovable" via traits, but the women don't love men for being men. In fact, they only love "men" in terms of the traits they try to mimic such as succe$$, or "strong" but not wisdom or restraint. They're always chasing a high.
This woman had a hot guy who actually was finally getting succe$$ful AND THEN she divorces him! That's like canceling a pizza order just before it's about to be delivered!
Selfish people create their own hell AND they deserve all of it.
Vermillion-Rx Penchant for plastic dolls 6mo ago
I'm looking forward to it
Love the way you write
whytehorse2021 Jr. Hamster Analyst 6mo ago
Plot twist: Ray Kurzweil says that scientific advancements give us about 4 months extra life for every year we live and will accelerate to the point that in 2029 you will get 1 extra year for every year you live and it goes up from there, essentially giving you reverse ageing.
So in 5 years these THOTS will live out their 40s for a very long time and then get younger looking every year until they can compete with 20yr olds. This magic will arrive right around the same time as Stepford wives.
Plot twist 2: 2024 is the year of the weight loss pill. All women lose weight and become attractive again, however they have a serious public relations problem with men that want nothing to do with them(other than pump and dump).
Overkill_Engine WAATGM Endorsed 6mo ago
Compete as fucktoys maybe, unless said advances manage to restore their fertility.
whytehorse2021 Jr. Hamster Analyst 6mo ago
Hehe. And then they manage to red pill every man on Earth such that simps no longer exist. I can dream...
GimmeTheUsual Jr. Hamster Analyst 6mo ago
In the current year, I believe the statistics are women find 80% of the men unattractive/invisible. They'll swipe left on 5 - 6,000 profiles before letting one through for a "maybe".
This might've worked in the age of smaller social circles, where being realistic came to most a lot quicker because the reality of the dating pool was what it was. Not easy to relocate and try in another pond, at least most couldn't.
Now, their desire is fanned by the instant access to a larger geographic area, hell, the whole world really. Women do badly with just SOME choice, "What do I want for breakfast?", when you expand this to a multitude of choices, she goes off the rails.
I hope we pull back from the brink, but as I've said before, it may not happen until a whole generation or so of young women totally forsake their ability to be competent and loving mothers.
Hope you're having a good weekend.
Overkill_Engine WAATGM Endorsed 6mo ago
Yeah it's bad enough that one can rely on a woman to have an absolutely infuriating amount of choice paralysis when they only had 10 restaurants within reach, but imagine 10,000?
Same thing plays out in the "dating" scene. Their cavewoman hindbrain just can't cope and goes into a FOMO seizure.
oowiw Jr. Hamster Analyst 6mo ago
this is refined plutonium holy shit, is this NOT AI?
She is SO CLOSE it's killing me.
Overkill_Engine WAATGM Endorsed 6mo ago
Women need to be clubbed in the face every single fucking year from puberty onwards with the fact that by 35 there are literally fewer men alive in their age group than women period, much less hawt successful commitment minded ones who are a small minority subset of that.
So ladies, maybe try not playing a game of Musical Dicks throughout your teens and 20's and then wonder why there are no places left to "sit" when the music stops.
[1] Row 15, chuds. Less men alive than women per age group starting there in the 35-39 bracket. And the gap gets worse until around 75 when I presume there is a mass die off of both. But very few men are going to bother with a woman at that age anyways.
No-Stress-Cat 6mo ago
"Musical Dicks"
Overkill_Engine WAATGM Endorsed 6mo ago
I like loading an entire paragraph's worth of concepts into just two words where I can lol.
First-light Jr. Hamster Analyst 6mo ago
What a great term. Every time the music stops there is one less dick on the carousel. The one who can't get a dick to sit on gets hauled off and given a cat. The winner actually gets the last chad available and a tube of something to make up for the dryness she will by now be experiencing. This sounds like a very entertaining game.
No-Stress-Cat 6mo ago
Sounds like a great game to play at someone's wedding.
hornetsfalcons12 Sr. Hamster Analyst 6mo ago
Could’ve been leftovers. Could’ve been epiphany phase. Either or, classic case of how women are their own worst enemy.
The cold reality for a woman is, guys can always go back to the well as they get older. Women have one shot. And the emotional highs that they chase will eventually give way to normal life. Are you going to be good enough for a man once that time comes?
polishknight WAATGM Endorsed 6mo ago
Happy (Gregorian) Easter!
I went through something similar to this I'd like to share with the younger men: Back in the 1980's, I was stubborn and refused to pay for dates because the corporate nuns I dated made good money and were "independent", yes? I tried to reason with them but it's like trying to reason with a shark. My little sister snottily told me when were gossiping about this stuff: "The ONLY women willing to pay their own way are ugly ones!"
I went on a setup date when I was about 32 and finally there was a kind hearted woman willing to pay her way on a date but the problem is she was just below my very generous physical standards. It was an epiphany moment for me: My little sister was right! Did I have to give up EVERYTHING else I would want just to get a woman who would pay her way on a first date?
I threw this "test" into the trash and didn't look back but also, I found ways to leverage this compromise. No more plain looking women. I had "standards" now. I recoined a classic expression: "It's just as easy to pay for a date with a pretty woman as it is a plain one."
Even though I was 32, I still had plenty of time to "play the field", marry, and then later to have a child although I'll admit I really went up to the last minute on that one. We needed IVF to conceive due to a variety of issues but got the job done. It was that extra time that God gives man that allowed me the grace of time to learn from my mistakes.
I can sympathize with women who perhaps had a rough childhood like I did or needed to get their lives together and that takes precious time but at the same time, nobody cared that I had to pull myself up with my bootstraps either.
hornetsfalcons12 Sr. Hamster Analyst 6mo ago
Where I have sympathy for a lot of women is that, for many of them, no one teaches them reality anymore. Example of the popular girl in school. They’re pretty! They’re going to a prestigious school! The world is their oyster, companies and men will be falling at their feet and bending to their will. That’s all they know from 18-25. Why would they ever have to worry about scarcity? I remember when I was on the paid dating apps, a lot of the 30+ women were actually significantly prettier than the ones in their early and mid 20’s. Which of course means that they likely were even more pretty 5-10 years beforehand, and they likely thought they could just do what the best looking guys their age do and wait until their early to mid 30’s to “settle down”. Until they saw those guys picking women 5-10 years younger as a wife.
And then, of course, the women you mentioned. While we see the outcomes of bad childhoods for men, and they are definitely worse than they are for women, at least men also have a real chance to clean things up for themselves. For women out of rough circumstances, they usually either emulate the behavior, or become a career nun on the way to getting out of it. Neither of which is conducive to finding a man.
polishknight WAATGM Endorsed 6mo ago
One thing I'm teaching my daughter is emotional, social, and life skills. Thinking long term and not being a follower of trends. I indulge her a bit (she deserves to have fun as a kid) but it shocks me how many parents I know simply throw money at the problem.
Lots of people: BP men who back in the 80's did "everything right" like D-fens and worked hard and still got railed by the system and made "the bad guy", or just men who seem to "have it all" but are clueless about real life and how to mentor their kids.
A pretty woman in her mid-30's chasing Chad down reminds me of someone chasing a bad stock down: It was 80 and I was a paper millionaire!! If I sell it now, it will go up and I'll lose out on being a millionaire! I don't want to be a half millionaire! OK, now I'll become a quarter millionaire if I sell! If I hold maybe I can get back up to half millionaire!
They chase chad all the way down.
On the other hand, the quality of modern women is declining so fast it reminds me of how cars are. Scotty Kilmer (mechanic) says to buy Toyota Tundras made 4 years ago because the new ones Toyota makes are less good meaning that some guys may prefer to buy a used car than one with CVT transmissions, hybrids and other nonsense. Even back in the 90's, I found some women in their 30's to be superior to some of the woke C-you-next-tuesdays in their 20's.