Everything that happens to women in relationships and regarding relationships is entirely their fault.
Now, we can say the same of men, but society doesn't allow men to be eternal victims - men are expected to be accountable for not only their actions, but the actions of others. Onto the topic.
When you see a pretty girl complain about the men in her past, never forget that she chose those men out of the pool of men that were attracted to her. Did she choose the nice, stable guy? No. Did she choose the nerdy guy with a bright future? No. Did she choose the hard working man who spends more time at work that he does at home? No.
She saw those men and said "no thank you, I want something else in my life" and chose the (as Saint Kevin would say) "convicts and ass-whoopers".
Pretty women attract all kinds of men. It is the woman's choice of what man she allows in her life. When they complain about their baby daddy (never "husband"), all you should hear is "this is the kind of man that I chose to bear children for" and give them zero sympathy. Moreover, do not allow them to lie about a change in their preferences. No... Their preferences haven't changed, their circumstances have and they will eagerly go back to the very kind of men that they're "done playing games" with if the opportunity presents itself.
When you see an ugly girl complain about not being able to attract a man, what she is really saying is "I'm unable to attract the level of man I feel I deserve." This woman's sins are twofold: she has demands that she won't relinquish, and she is unwilling to do the things to be able to make those demands. Doing either one would solve her problem.
The problem that most women who fall into this category have is that they are unwilling to develop in the ways that men tell them are important. We tell women "lose the weight" and they respond by saying "I'll make more money." We tell women "don't be a bitch", and they respond by saying "I've got a doctorate". We tell women "be feminine if you want a masculine man" and they opt to throw ass as a substitute. Women don't want to do the work of becoming what men want, but rather demand that men desire what they're choosing to become.
So when you see a woman mewling about her relationship woes, remember that she's in a situation of her own making.
Typo-MAGAshiv Mod 9mo ago Stickied
This is truly an excellent post, but it is missing something in order to fulfill the posting requirements of Where All The Good Men Are:
Please edit your post and add in a paragraph or two explaining how men as a whole (even outside of RP/MGTOW communities) are learning to avoid women like the ones you describe, and are refusing to pick up the mess.
Once you've made this change, we'll sticky your post here and crosspost it to the WAATGM subreddit for greater visibility.
Typo-MAGAshiv Mod 9mo ago
Tag @moorekom, @Kevin32, @lurkerhasarisen, @woodsmoke, @deeplydisturbed, @ogrilla99, , @Land_of_the_losers, @MelkorHimself, @Impressive-Cricket-8 (I think that's all the mods who've been active recently)
Vermillion-Rx 9mo ago
you're being point flaired by an EC for this post and for these two posts 1, and 2 as well (and your RP advice and takes in general)
You can thank @JamesSkepp and @adam-l for your Point Flairs in TheRedPill and askTRP
houseoftolstoy Mod 9mo ago
Another thing to add is that when a woman has the greatest advantage of her youth and beauty, her choice in the men she has any form of sexual relationship with (be it as fleeting as a one night stand or (supposedly) long term such as a marriage) is telling about where her priorities are and what kind of men she prefers the most. So if a pretty young woman opts to go for the very type of men who is not good for a long term commitment, it shows that she does not see finding a long term commitment as a high priority. If a woman does value that, she will hold out for that. And if she has the power to choose basically any man she wants, she has no valid claim for saying that she truly wanted a committed relationship if she does not hold out for a commitment for a man before granting him any sexual access.
Boar_excrement 9mo ago
If women could only choose their baby daddies. /s
Excellent post and points. Every single woman that I have heard complain about a situation involving another person has deliberately worked and fought their way into that situation. They worked to get that problem. And when the situation did not magically resolve in a way to their liking, they bitch. And bitch. And bitch. Then they collect attention and find the next hopeless situation to insert themselves into.
The truly revolting thing is when they deliberately create another human being as a tool and a pawn in their efforts to control someone or some situation.
That is why I go my own way and try not to notice them. Well, I notice women about as much as I notice an empty table: I don't want to bump into it.
Problematic_Browser 9mo ago
It's quite telling.
They aren't attracted to the good men, so they place hurdles in their way and create "icks" to justify their lack of attraction. They won't just outright say "I don't want him to fuck me."
The men they need to avoid, they can't help but jump over hurdles and ignore red flags to get to. They make it easy for these men. Ironically, every time this happens, somewhere, a man takes notice and says "wait, why am I doing things that don't get results?" and a fuckboy is born.
Justanaverageguy 9mo ago
Reminds me of this girl I used to be really into who only wanted to be friends. She was always complaining about her looks and wanting to get all this work done and I was thinking “you look fine like you are”. What she was really saying is “I can’t attract the toxic men I used to get and still want, I don’t want you Mr Average even though I’ve hit the wall and you find me attractive. I’d rather be single and complain than give you a chance”
Problematic_Browser 9mo ago
I know a woman, I call her "the bartender" and she's the exact kind of woman who we talk about here - reasonably attractive (for 42), but a complete fucking disaster and unable (unwilling) to make better choices.
I keep her at arms length because she's a damn case study if a woman slamming into the wall. In the time I've known her she's dated: drug dealers, rapists, tatted up bad boys, and general scum. I've seen her blow off decent men.
Recently she's been crying to me (last fucking night, literally crying) about how terrible her life is. If I wasn't pilled, I'd have sympathy for her, but I see the play for what it is - I'm a successful attractive man... And she thinks that I'm a bailout because of my calm and gentlemanly nature.
What she fails to understand is that consequences catch up. Women think that the supply of men is inexhaustible, and that when they're ready to leave the streets, there will be a man that she desires who will take her into his home. The problem with this is that even if they do find this man, they could never respect him because they know that any man who accepts her doesn't respect his self.
Justanaverageguy 9mo ago
The woman I posted about only ever worked at a gym and then works retail selling makeup. Loves those buff chads though, she just can’t get them to date her anymore and she’s close to not even getting them to pump and dump her
financehardo420 9mo ago
Post hits the nail on the head. Id also add that women that are like this are inherently damaged goods.
Easy to exploit for sexual amusement but absolutely not LTR worthy.
EurasianChad 9mo ago
Recreational use only, as they call it.
mattyanon 9mo ago
Absolutely true.
But claiming that the sexy ex was in fact abusive is how she gets BETA INTEREST. Men have a rescuer instinct, and women trigger this by choosing sex in the short term, then claiming victimhood status later to garner beta support.
If you've ever dumped a girl and then seen how she talks about you in future, you'll see how dishonest this is: she will claim all kinds of manufactured abuse in order to label you as the bad guy and her to get beta support.
Ever since hearing these lies about me I've not believed what girls have said about other guys they chose to date.
I've found the best responses to this shit are:
Simply say "that sucks". No support, not denying her experience, but not trying to help fix it either.
Yep..... but it's easier to complain than to do something about it.
Sadly this is how the West is going. Demand that men are attracted to fat sluts rather than debt free virgins. The battle of the sexes for social influence is never ending, and at the moment we are fucking losing.
EurasianChad 9mo ago
Women are attracted to men they respect. If you have traits that garner respect, they don't really consider your moral opinions or behaviours.
Its all biological at that point. The strongest seed wins, but the strongest seed may not necessarily want to settle.
Problematic_Browser 9mo ago
Game is amoral.
The problem most men have is that they project their value system onto women. They think "I value things like decency, honesty, and integrity so women should at least take those things into account."
The problem is that those things only matter after she's attracted to you. A lot of men don't do the things that actually develop women's attraction and instead rely on their internal characteristics. It doesn't work.
That's why convicts get more pussy than some men. That's why men who are at the bottom of the economic hierarchy can still find more sexual success than average men.
My number one bit of advice is to watch what the sexually successful men do and learn from them.