The title is harsh but just listen to this advice.
I had 1 chick which I couldn't bang and that's okay, I knew I could find a chick through her and she did recommend me 1.
When I was talking to her I'd benefitted through her just as she did through me, even though I was getting more info and help.
2 months passed, I got better mentally and physically, but she didn't even send a message "hi how are you".
Yesterday she hit me up, asking me how am I doing. I knew smth was up, she wouldn't randomly just ask about my day.
And ofc she after 2 months still talks about that 1 guy which idc about.
I had experiences like this before. Never and I mean NEVER let a woman be friends with you.
Yeah, she could find you a chick, but only if u see her in irl and she doesn't make u her emotional tampon.
Lone_Ranger 2 1w ago
good lord.
Lone_Ranger 2 1w ago
its like attack of the giga spergs around here lately.
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 1w ago
No-Stress-Cat 1w ago
Translation: The fuck is this shit? o.O
Musicgoon78 2 1w ago
The fuck is this shit?
I have women I fuck and some male and female friends.
No-Stress-Cat 1w ago
Called it!
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 1w ago
SSBPikkon 1w ago
It's an advice, like how some guys on here show their experience or field game
Musicgoon78 2 1w ago
This is Asktrp. You're not supposed to give bad advice on this part of the forum. At any rate, I gave it a downvote.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1w ago
Dude. You just read the sidebar and asking a lot of AskTRPs. You are in absolutely zero position to give red pilled advice here for the time being
SSBPikkon 1w ago
So what should I do then. Am I wrong for this advice? This is better advice than some BP shit someone's gonna read elsewhere.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1w ago
The entire advice is completely wrong.
No, it isn't . A bp could still unplug finding actual red pill advice. This is just jaded sperg advice
SSBPikkon 1w ago
So ig I should never post anything or ask a question here. I thought these is a place where I can find like-minded people. Where else am I supposed to ask these questions really.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1w ago
Are you for real right now? You've already had such an exchange with me with this same childish response before. Grow up.
You can ask questions. You Shouldn't be giving newb advice when you absolutely are a newbie.
Grow up. Cut this feminine passive aggressive backtalk "muh mod criticized me i shouldn't post at all then"
Ffs man
SSBPikkon 1w ago
Just say it should I take my post off or be downvoted to hell either way it's going to happen
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1w ago
Look dude. You're being defensive. Do whatever the fuck you want in this situation. You're being downvoted because you're a newb trying to preach to people who know you're wrong
Also, you trying to give advice as a newb is specifically against rule 2 of AskTRP:
There is absolutely no reason whatsoever you should be trying to give advice here until you're regularly succeeding. Like no reason. It's common sense. You're not a sage because you partially understand some of the side bar. The rest you seem to not have understood
SSBPikkon 1w ago
okay ty, I'll just ask questions here and there if I need them
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1w ago
That is your only option atm
SpiritualEnema 1w ago
Sounds like you expected sex, didn’t get any, knew that wasn’t on the plate, then got mad.
You clearly thought that your little two month transformation would change her view of you, but most women don’t work like that.
Sounds like you got a bit of oneitis and are upset. Just say that instead. Female friends can be invaluable.
SSBPikkon 1w ago
Nope, not oneitis a bit. It's just I wanted to give advice here. Trying to prove fickle female nature with my story.
ObliviousDuck 1w ago
If you truly didn't care about her then there would be no lesson. Instead, you complain she ghosted you for months and therefore should never have been friendly with her even though you pretend she was a net positive in your life.
MrSupreme 1w ago
I've met plenty of women that are friendly, they act like social lubricants and can help you meet more people, you just gotta add some value so they will want to associate with you
SSBPikkon 1w ago
How would you add value to this girl? I honestly don't want to be her tampon, that just rly means she is using me. Friendly stuff and talk yes okay but this no.
MrSupreme 1w ago
Im talking friendly as in not-sexual,purely social. Be a cool guy, lead conversations,make em laugh,be a friend,party at your house. They're still people, and they also know people.
Worrisome to be asking that type of thing man, just make friends
SSBPikkon 1w ago
I rly can't be a friend to someone who doesn't bring me any value and just uses me for her/his profit.
I'd get it later, but when we even didn't meet or do anything it's rly bad to dry someone out because of your needs.
Whole convo began when me and her both needed help. My help ended, I realized some things and she didn't a single thing. Why? Because why would she trust anyone but herself and her gut. While I did introspection as I always try to do and I solved my problem.
She asked for help many more times than I ever did and it just makes me want to end the connection.