Ask questions related to TRP, dating, life advice.
Vermillion-Rx Question for RP Stickied
Crowdsourcing for no ads on here, bar is not too high, and the perks for you if you pitch will be permanent (details) (self.asktrp)
Whatsnext Question for RP
Thoughts on working with people who's goal is to do nothing? (self.asktrp)
Wkekdkek offtopic
Plate that I’ve been seeing for 4 months complains that I don’t pay for anything (self.asktrp)
Beamerboy1 offtopic
My lifegoal was to become rich and powerful, i did part one how to i achieve number two? (self.asktrp)
mimek Relationship Q
Handling marriage separation dynamics... We're friendly but I feel limited emotional progress from her (self.asktrp)
derdeutscher Relationship Q
What good advice would you have for a relationship (+ background story)? (self.asktrp)