A lot of banter going around about the fact that women now run a .0001 percent chance of actually being conscripted; much of the outrage flowing around one argument: men are the ones who CAUSE war, so why should women have to fight?

At the heart of this lie the ideas we are taught surrounding our modern gender dynamic - men are the takers, the destructors, the ones greedily absorbing all of the gendered benefits and dispensing the depression and victimization of the fairer sex. Men have always benefited selfishly from the relationship between the sexes, the popular thinking goes, raping and pillaging because that is just in their nature. All throughout history men have been, for some arbitrary fucking reason, absorbing all the goodness of the world while the women flail on the bottom rungs of society hoping for something better.

But, as so many Lefties do, these gender theorists balk the closer they get to examining the root cause of all this. The simple fact of the matter is that men are aggressive, assertive, violent, and fierce because for ages untold women have been fucking the aggressive, assertive, violent and fierce among us.

You know that thuggish, drug dealing cousin of yours who is constantly getting arrested and treats his family like shit? Yeah, that guy is swimming in fucking pussy, believe it or not. Does that make his behavior acceptable? Absolutely not. But the popular zeitgeist of the day says that he became that way because men are just arbitrarily monstrous and not because, well, his older brother acted that way and had a new hot girlfriend every month. Contrary to what you might have been told, his gangster lean, tribal tattoos, and predilection for violence are a learned behavior, and women are the ones who taught it.

But, as men, we must not blame our shortcomings on others. We can, however, at least realize that a lot of the ways we act have a deep root-- a million years of biological evolution and female mate selection pushing us towards aggressive, assertive, dominate behavior because that, we have come to know in our dark hearts, is what drives women towards us.

What are we, if not creatures made to reproduce? A monkey who is aggressive gathers more resources, and in doing so accrues more females. Much of the history of warfare and bloodshed has this same subconscious motivation at its core.

The point is that no, women are not blameless when we count the piles of male corpses on which the modern world is built. They had a hand in it to.

First post after being TRP for about five years. You can read more of my writing at www.thehumananimal.net

Thanks fellas