Kinda feeling like shit seeing him so out of it, must be 100x worse for him. She was with this girl since high school, and proposed marriage last year. They were gonna marry after she completed her PhD this year, but obviously this is not in the cards anymore.
She said some stupid shit like "I don't feel like I used to about you" and "I can no longer reciprocate your love". This is my first time witnessing a woman burn over a decade of built up trust and history because she no longer gets the tingles. Ice cold brother, goddamn.
My friend and his girlfriend were living together in the last 10 years, basically living a married life without being married. I find it hard to comprehend how you can just put in the trash in 10 minutes.
Let this be a lesson to those who thought they found their soulmate/unicorn, AWALT.
[deleted] 3w ago
Hugo_The_Great 1mo ago
Tbh what is the use of this post beside rage baiting?
At least give some pointers where your buddy fucked up his SMV. Because he probably did.
Unless she's just surrounded by superior men now that she's finished her PhD and the grass on the other side of the fence suddenly seems greener?
derdeutscher 1mo ago
Your friend actually got lucky. Imagine she pulled this shit off after they got married.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1mo ago
He got lucky as fuck. She could have divorce raped him too
Overkill_Engine 2 1mo ago
Probably only reason she didn't hold out for a ring and a house to steal from him is she thought she could get better now that she has a degree. Granted, she already stole 10 years worth room and board to get that degree. So divorce rape with a little bit of lube.
wswZtyqNGQ 1mo ago
That woman had 10 years worth of keeping monkey-branching-options open to practice those simple 10 minutes. Reverse the situation and in that time the average man would have a 1000 page book printed out.
MrSupreme 1mo ago
There was probably clear signs it was going to happen, the guy probably got too comfortable and she had it all planned out for a couple years.
At least she didn't cheat, (although she must have been drooling over other men), and there is no paperwork/children in the mix. Heartbreak is tough but there is a bright side, she saved him some trouble.
Lone_Ranger 2 1mo ago
What makes you think that she didn't cheat? My poor sweet summer child.
A woman that says 'I can no longer reciprocate your love' is telling you loud and clear that she is getting dicked down by other dudes.
Bruh, use your head.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1mo ago
She very well could have cheated. She didn't leave a 10 year live in the same house situation without a plan to move somewhere else
Even if she moved with family etc she wanted to be single. She more than likely has a backup or was prepping for the carousel at the minimum
MrSupreme 1mo ago
True she could have. There is always a few guys in a list somewhere in her head as backup, and she will hop in that carrousel sooner than later.
No-Stress-Cat 1mo ago
Red Pill up the ass sideways no lube. Another brother is joining the ranks.
MentORPHEUS Senior Endorsed 1mo ago
This is a basic Red Pill foundational sidebar concept: Briffault's Law.
First-light 1mo ago
He was a great starter boyfriend. He saw her through college admirably. His purpose was served and she will always remember him well. Now she sees herself doing better than him. As Morpheus says, its Briffault's law and if the next monkey branch has not been identified, it will be seized at first opportunity.
Do not invest in women. The current system will give you no security past "she has feels"
Lucky man anyway. He could have been fool enough to marry. That's the biggest bet against himself a man can take.
Lone_Ranger 2 1mo ago
well, she now has a PhD, so her SMV has gone through the roof!!!
Lone_Ranger 2 1mo ago
the NPC feminist timeline is usually like this
She is just at stage 3.