there's an attractive girl in my social circle; she's been showing me lots of IOIs but I haven't acted on it yet. my buddy had this to say: "she's obviously very attracted to you on a primal level, but it's like she thinks she's above you in status/financially", which is weird, because she's a college student that doesn't work and lives off loans - or at least that's what we thought. a couple of days ago, a guy comes up to me and shows me her profile on an expensive escort website - the ones where guys buy them expensive gucci bags, take them on trips and sometimes not even fuck them.
nobody else in our social circle knows this about her - she moved to my city half a year ago. do you think i probably have no chance, since at best i can only afford a coffee date? or should i still ask her out, acting unaware of her little side-business (tomassi rule #8)? have you ever plated a sex worker?
idontdesireusername 1y ago
only play for fun, if you a real men - play it till she fall in love with you, then use her for money - that's the end game here
Lone_Ranger 2 1y ago
We need a flair for this kind of post.
OPs post is basically this:
"I want to give [validation/resources/commitment/exclusivity] to a oneitis that is a worthless [slut/whore/gold digger] and I deep down I know that this is a bad idea, but my hamster is all powerful. I am now turning to the RP experts to validate my desires, can you please feed my hamster with justifications?"
Hell, I'm just going to copy paste this summary whenever I see someone doing that.
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 1y ago
I like it.
oowiw 1y ago
I plated a sugar baby last year. I didn't know it when we hooked up, but later found out she had two sugar daddies in other cities who'd occasionally send for her, and she'd go for a long weekend or a week at a time. They were subs and so was she, but because it was her job, she'd dom them, and then come back feeling very submissive. At first when I found out about the SDs, I felt like I was somehow earning money by piping her for free, but the chemistry wasn't actually that great, I don't like to share in general, and I thought she was emotionally more fragile than the average plate and figured it would be a kindness not to let her get too bonded to me. She was never emotionally pushy and always brought over weed and snacks, she was on such good behavior that there's no way that she didn't ultimately crave emotional connection - and I could imagine that's pretty common among SBs in general although this is my only experience.
I say go for it, experiences are interesting, I don't regret my liaisons, and she once invited me to a pretty radically different social scene than I've ever seen before. Plus more and more sexy women are going to be someone's SB in one form or another, doesn't hurt to understand the mentality up close a bit. Part of me wonders if SBs might be a pretty solid pool for plates one day. Just don't catch genital herpes, gonorrhea, paternity or HIV.
MrSupreme 1y ago
Plating a sex worker sounds a lot like her plating you. She probably is a beauty,ignore that, don't get involved in it,as a policy she always gets something from you
mattyanon Admin 1y ago
Escalate to find out
coolsocks00 1 1y ago
«I have no chance because i can only afford coffee and im not able to simp as hard as the beta chumps!»
Lmfao. Read the sidebar
AbusiveFather1 1y ago
so my thought process was: there's probably guys among her clientelle that look just as good as me, masculine, but with so much money that they can afford to just throw it away on escorts and not waste time gaming someone
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1y ago
Not trying to be a dick here but take your h0rny out of the equation and ask yourself if you'd still attempt this
AbusiveFather1 1y ago
lmao take my h0rny out of the equation and i'm not touching any female with a 10-foot pole
Acela_nextel 1y ago
If she doesn’t want money and only your dick go for it
EmpireCrimson 1y ago
This is dumb. Like really dumb. Sure, you can plate an escort, but why would you do it? She’s not going to treat you like she’s treating her clients, and even if you were her monkey branch back to a moral life, would you really want to entertain a LTR with a reformed sex worker? Your heart may be bigger than mine, but your head isn’t. Beyond a ONS (with a condom), she’s for the streets - leave her there.
AbusiveFather1 1y ago
LTR is not a plate. I wouldn’t consider an escort for LTR
Overkill_Engine 2 1y ago
Even just plating a sex worker of any stripe is overinvesting in my opinion. And I say this as someone that was once a young 20 something man that was naive and idealistic enough (translation: Stoopid h0nry) to try to make "dating" a stripper work out.
So consider me a SME on what "doesn't work out well" is. Quite frankly I was lucky as fuck to get out of that with my wallet intact and no STD's.
First-light 1y ago
Probably a bad idea. She will view men as ATMs or at least as service providers.
If you are lucky, you could be providing the service of being a "normal boy" in her otherwise messed up world of pretending to like (usually older less attractive) men for money. But would she in return be a "normal girl" for you? Would she answer when you phoned her? Would she cancel on dates with no reason? She would want you to treat her as normal, probably to to give her a "boyfriend experience" There is not a lot else there could be in it for her. Can you get enough out of it in return. Even if she is just a plate, is she a good enough one like that.
I once came to know a beautiful, private and rather mysterious young woman who eventually became my lover. It turned out she was one of these. Would never admit it and that drove me crazy. I said "I can live with this if you tell me what it is but I can't handle the lies. I know what it is but I need you to tell me" She would say "Just accept it as what it is, I love you" She never asked me for money, went dutch when eating out and liked going walking and watching movies, (cheap low maintenance) was also great in the sack but in the end I couldn't handle all the lies, unanswered calls and cancelled plans. It was just no way to treat someone you were intimate with, regardless of the commitment level. Her sister later told me the girl was stuck in a crisis of indecision -continue the lucrative life or quit it and try to make a life with me. She liked the normalness of a normal relationship with a normal guy and knew if thought if she once actually admitted to being a sugar baby, I would never look at her seriously. Problem was that the lies meant I knew she was both a whore and a liar who would want to play beta to that?
oowiw 1y ago
Sounds like your SB didn't treat you as an ATM or service provider, so maybe if she'd admitted she was an SB on the side, she'd still have been a good plate?
I had an SB as a plate and she never treated me as an ATM or service provider, so since we've both had that experience I think maybe they're not so bad as plates. To a certain extent, the SD is subsidizing her needs for dates and such..
First-light 12mo ago
On reflection, I think you are right. The provision of more than enough money, travel and luxury is already there. What is lacking is the bit men crave most -the connection with someone with whom she shares a chemistry. As far as that goes, yes they are probably first rate plates if they have have locked onto you as boyfriend not sugar daddy. I do sometimes think I could with more maturity have played that one better.
Where it went wrong for me was the lying. We had many conversations about it but she just doubled down. She admitted these guys provided for her, she just refused to say she had ever had sex with any of them -when over time the evidence grew. If I could have just left it alone or if she could just have been honest, we would have kept within the other's boundaries.
I think what actually happened in our case was that we both liked each other a bit more than was ideal for that sort of relationship -it went a bit beyond just the sex and company -which is not ideal. She wanted to keep me as a possible LTR when she quit the business and so couldn't face being thought of as a whore. I wanted a lover not just a fuck. I could handle the whoring but I wanted to share something more real than just stained sheets -the intimacy of honesty.
There are limits to what a plate can be and one one should not try to escalate beyond that. I think neither of us really appreciated that enough (we were essentially each other's plates and an equal exchange can be a very good trade). If I came to it again I would have just enjoyed her till the music stopped, not tried to change the tune.
Of course the music would have ended if she had wanted a LTR since I knew her past. Before we got too close when we were watching some drama on TV about an older whore trying to "go straight" with a man she said "She will never be satisfied. Now she has tasted the money she will always be tempted back a little while she has her looks" "What a loser that guy is" I replied. Its often how you set your stall out before anything starts that has already dictated the ending.
Lone_Ranger 2 1y ago
maybe you need better social circles?
Why are you not able to say the word 'whore'? Saying escort is a cope.
And here you are, asking for permission to "S word" for a whore on the internet.
AbusiveFather1 1y ago
Oh yeah, she’s a whore. I’m using the word escort to specify that she’s an expensive whore.
Lone_Ranger 2 1y ago
You seem to think that a higher price means that she is somehow better than low cost street walkers.
There is no difference.
Escort = whore = hooker = prostitute = cum slurping crack addict that will blow you behind the dumpster for $5
There is no difference
oowiw 1y ago
If someone's successfully charging higher prices, they're at least convincing the John's there's a difference. I've no experience in the arena, but if I were to buy sex, I'd assume that paying more gets someone with safer STD protocol, better GFE / client care, and greater discretion at least.
AlwaysStoic 1y ago
Not a good idea since it appears you like her. Why are you worried about having no chance with a literal whore?
AbusiveFather1 1y ago
I like her physically, but I haven’t liked a woman emotionally since 2018.
AlwaysStoic 1y ago
Fair enough then. Take your chances!!
Problematic_Browser 1 1y ago
Sex workers are good for one thing.
Don't give them even plate status.
Skev77 1y ago
if shes showig you IOIs and you want to go for it, dont you think your over thinking it here? use her for whats shes worth and toss her when your done my friend.
Intrepid_Place53900 1 1y ago
Question: what is a sex worker good for?
When you have figured it out, I'll remind you to Use protection