Bare with me, I'm tired as I crank out these overdue posts. She witnessed me talking to the women from this field report:

My FWB (rape victim) is a 3.5, the girls were a hb7.5-8 and two hb6's. You guys may know the backstory, my FWB and I are NOT a relationship and she knows I DON'T like her. To TLDR my FWB's place in the FR, she recognized one girl that she used to work with. She left, but stopped and sent her autistic, feminist "friend" to pull be away mid comvo. I wasn't done, so I held frame and stayed to close on the women.

I get back to the pub where we're at and her energy's off. She's cold, distant and not saying any words to me. I know it's because of the interaction. I talk to the guy there, he said it had something to do with the women I was gaming being "pick me" girls. They also said they'd leave if I brought the new ladies to the pub. I know it's actually jealousy, hurt and possibly other things. What else could it be?

Night goes on, it gets worse. FWB doesn't sit next to me anymore (fine), we go to Mexican restaurant. She's still distant and ignoring me. More frequent trips to the women's restroom with the autistic feminist. We go to the park where the music event was held and sit on a bench. She and the autistic corn stalk are in the car visibly singing to the radio song to finish while we wait outside. Now she's really got the bitch vibes going. She's still ignoring me. I choose not to tolerate the bullshit anymore and dip to take a guy home. Other dude bounces as well. I wave goodnight and she ignores me, call a 2nd time, ignore, call her name and she just gives a small wave without looking up from her book.

This is inexcusable behavior for a FWB or a friend, and I won't tolerate it. I was thinking about telling her to meet me in person to lay out everything in front of her. The great moments we had during the semester, the laughs at the hangouts, the moments we connected. I'll say that if she wants to keep acting this way because I spoke with a few girls, then I’ll walk. If her actions indicate she doesn’t want me in her life, then I won’t be there. It’s her doing, not mine.

I absolutely mean it, I'm not going to be friends with a bitch under any circumstances. I'll also add that if she's taking people advice from the autistic feminist who's the 2nd percentile in relationships, that she should reconsider. She's becoming the sum of those who she spends time with (a bitch). I'll walk away because I will get pussy from elsewhere, nor will I endure this as a friend. Time to set up some boundaries, she stops this behavior, or I exit her life. It may be a one time thing, so I'll calibrate the discussion based on how she interacts with me before we start talking.

Is this a good idea (at least under circumstances where she isn't a rape victim)? I wonder if the answer's found in HumanSockPuppet's guide to training bitches.