I keep seeing this on all bluepill dating forums and advice. But a lot of Redpill advice is basically opposite. If theres an issue, you soft next, hard next, dont tell them whats bugging you, radio silence, etc.

I have seen myself a lot of issues coming up and i have tried the redpill method of constantly soft-nexting my ltr. I have seen it work to a degree, but also i have seen the same thing being repeated even though i punished her. But in the past i have also addressed something more direct, and it was fixed right then and there and she never did it again.

I find this to be one of the most confusing aspects of redpill advice. Why does everyone recommend being a redpill robot that doesnt talk about issues, everything is just defaulted to some variation "ignore game", which has its place, but from my experience, it doesnt completely fix the issue.

IS this seriously all that relationships are like as a redpiller? Being a robot who has to punish by withdrawing attention instead of direct communication?