So basically i known this girl for 2 months from my workplace i wasnt very close to her and got some compliments from her and i stayed indifferent on purpose and acted with a strong frame around her everyone has tried to make a move on her except me.Two weeks ago we went out to party with our group i didnt talk directly to her there had fun with other people and suddenly she came near to me to talk.As we were conversing she suddenly said that she wants to be fucked (she was very drunk ) i said the bartender is ready for you then she said i wanna f a doctor(we are interns btw)i just laughed and didnt do anything.Later that night she become very sick and her friends took her to emergency i called them in the morning to she if they were ok.
After that week i had to take few days of because i was sick and she texted me to see if i was i ok and we dont text at all.As i saw those behaviours from her i started to flirt her jokingly one day and she started to be a bit distant to me i broke my frame i guess but she invited to me to her birthday party with the group and its 2 days later from now.And she is touchy too but mostly friendly. So my question is how can i make sure that she has interest and take it to next level during that day.Or is it jus all a game that she plays.
UPDATE:At the party she was very distant and cold in the begining didnt even talk at all She didnt directly call me or anything her friend did to see if i arrived or not.She started to behave normal to me at the end.I stayed cold to her aswell but got warmer as she started to talk to me.Everyone smashed cakes to each others face she smashed mine and i smashed hers.It was a nice and fun night i enjoyed being there but nothing happened she was very neutral.I guess she understood that her behaviour made me think that she was interested in me.
This one means a NEXT for me.I'llStay as just work friends and date other women.Thank you for your advices everyone
Hanscheezburger 3y ago
nope. never fuck girls from your workplace, or girls of your friends
if you weren't there, she would have done it with somebody else. major red flag
go find and date 3 other women
jonejona202 3y ago
Couldnt she be a choice for fwb ?
Hanscheezburger 3y ago
can't be anything more than a fwb but like others have said, don't shit where you eat. it's never worth it
Amazonforest 3y ago
Your advice is not very broad. You're telling him she can't be more than fwb? The real answer is that she can be and its possible depending how OP pursues this situation BUT having sexual relationships with people at your work comes with consequences which the OP should be aware of. So telling him 'you can't be more than fwb' is generally not helpful answer to his question at all
Hanscheezburger 3y ago
it's basically what I would do, game other women and stay away from this one. OP has to make his decision at the end of the day.
I know it's not the answer he's looking for but I don't think it's wrong either. Women at the workplace brings nothing but trouble and OP can do better than this if he tries
mattyanon Admin 3y ago
you lack abundance. find other girls.
jonejona202 3y ago
More plates more dates.
RedPill115 3y ago
When did this forum become so bluepill? Basically running down a list of all the girls you'd ever meet and saying you shouldn't sleep with anyone.
Hanscheezburger 3y ago
So all the girls you've ever meet were from your workplace? Or your friends' girlfriends?
RedPill115 3y ago
As an adult almost all the girls I meet are either through my workplace, or friends of friends.
In the past I've missed out on a ton of girls following rules - only later to found out no one was following those rules either.
I don't try to sleep with my friends girlfriends, but worrying about connections beyond that is just sabotaging yourself - as I learned from experience.
Hanscheezburger 3y ago
I mentioned 2 kinds you shouldn't sleep with:
I never said girls from the same friend circle are off-limits. Besides them, there are many other options: cold approach, hobbies, social clubs, online dating, work acquaintances...
I don't have to explain why shitting where you eat is a bad idea, many have done so before me. Especially when there is an abundant of other options. If you think it's good enough for you then go for it
itsentirelypossible 3y ago
you need to try and make a move. if she's touching you, close to you, look for "the" eye contact and go for a kiss. if she denies it, play it off by saying something funny. you can't make any awkward interactions with her as she is a work friend. it's a bit dangerous playing around with a work friend as this can backfire, but if you play your hand right, it'll all be fine.
are you a doctor? or what does the "we are interns btw" mean? are you studying to become a doctor?
jonejona202 3y ago
Yes,thats what I meant we both study medicine.Normally I wouldnt even try to make a move on her but some of my friends encouraged me to do so as they heard the story.
Guyandtheroadtovictory 3y ago
Dont shit where you eat.
jonejona202 3y ago
I had this in my mind too
whytehorse2021 3y ago
So she told you she wants you to fuck her and you don't know what to do? She sounds like a slut and wants to baby trap a doctor. Go get a vasectomy and cum in her.
jonejona202 3y ago
hahahah.Bro we are both medical interns she is gonna be a doc aswell why would she baby trap lol
mattyanon Admin 3y ago
jonejona202 3y ago
Dont really think so shes not the type
theworldiknow 3y ago
jonejona202 3y ago
I know that it is dangerous but I was just checking if she had something on me that day is my last tryout If nothing happens i ll just next
francthegreat 3y ago
it’s a trap. not saying you cant just fuck but she’d quit that internship in a second if it meant you keeping yours and providing for her
jonejona202 3y ago
Bro shes succesful already why would she do that shes not the type also shes pretty rich too
mattyanon Admin 3y ago
Don't bother. Don't shit where you eat.
jonejona202 3y ago
Just wanted to give a chance I'll pass if nothing happesn that day
pfeilmacher 3y ago
Why are you fixated on this little tart with a drinking problem?
How would you rate her compared to all the other women you are currently fucking? If you aren't fucking other women, you have a bad case of oneitis.
jonejona202 3y ago
I am aware of that the thing is shes the type that gets hit on most of the time and better than what i have rn so i just wanted to see if this could turn the way i want rn.If no action happens I ll just pass after that day.I had a oneitis few years ago and believe me I dont wanna go back there so i am extra careful :))
pfeilmacher 3y ago
Then stop focusing on ONE GIRL. She should be one of many on your radar.
RedPill115 3y ago
02:49 is funny, but start from the beginning:
There's no way to know, but in general worst thing you can do is start acting differently.
Do you mean she reacted badly - or do you mean you broke your frame but she invited you to this party?
jonejona202 3y ago
She was distant at first or i felt like that so thought i broke my frame because i appeared as very interested.I havent seen her for 5 days after that.But somehow she recently texted me.We were planning on going out and she turned it into a house party and invited me.So I guess my feelings were wrong.
I was actually behaving just like george since the beginning and I am very surprised that it actually works haha.
Growing 3y ago
What works works.
Ignoring her is the same as treating her like shit.
Amp up the alpha.
Treat her as so.
But as previously said by others, avoid colleagues.
It makes your work life tragic.
jonejona202 3y ago
Yes.I am about to go rn.I'll update the events.
jonejona202 3y ago
UPDATE:At the party she was very distant and cold in the begining didnt even talk at all She didnt directly call me or anything her friend did to see if i arrived or not.She started to behave normal to me at the end.I stayed cold to her aswell but got warmer as she started to talk to me.Everyone smashed cakes to each others face she smashed mine and i smashed hers.It was a nice and fun night i enjoyed being there but nothing happened she was very neutral.I guess she understood that her behaviour made me think that she was interested in me.
This one means a NEXT for me.I'llStay as just work friends and date other women.Thank you for your advices everyone