I normally do not share details about my personal life, however vague, because I have had to nuke two accounts already due to doxing concerns in the past. I have found that people can be quite creative in piecing together information if they are motivated enough (see the 4Chan/ Shia LeBouef/ ”He will not divide us” debacle for a perfect example)

However, today our very own /u/MrNeurotypical shared an excellent post that hit close to home for me. So I thought I would share anecdote from my own real life experience that might resonate. I hope it does something good for someone.


Jenny and the family devastated by feminism.

By DeeplyDisturbed1

In college I met the love of my life. We dated for 5 years before our engagement (because I didn’t trust women even back then), but I loved this woman with my entire soul - and she loved me just as much. It was real, and genuine and awesome. She was a good woman and she proved this over two decades. She cooked, and cleaned, and was the best mother you could ever hope for your children.

She was truly all around amazing - and my best friend.

(Note: Before one of you morons makes an asinine comment about red pills and oneitis, read the whole thing before being a dick.)

Soon after college, we were married and had our first child. Life was amazing and other children followed.

Then, after 13 years of marriage, and nearly 18 years of true bliss together, things (she?) started to change. The change was subtle at first, but in retrospect it seemed stark and sudden.

She worked in a female dominated field, so you know where this is going. She had one particular friend I'll call Jenny, who seemed to like me and was very supportive of ex and me as a couple. She would openly gush about how we were such a great couple and a perfect family.

Jenny also happened to be perpetually single, and a feminist in her late 20's.

I know, I know - hindsight, right?

In the last few years of our marriage my wife started complaining about seemingly insignificant things like who did the most dishes. And we all know that when a woman complains about trivial things like who does more dishes, it is not about the dishes. From there, things deteriorated rapidly. I did try to negotiate, work with her, accommodate her feelings, adjust, etc. But I was not a pushover either, and she knew it. Forget red pill/blue bill bullshit for a minute - I was, and am a man who knows what I want and what I am doing. Period. So my wife should know not to give me any bullshit about dishes. Also keep in mind that DID do dishes, just not as often as her.

Needless to say, many ugly details later and a year or so down the road, we were divorced. My head still spins at times at how quickly things went from married bliss, to OVER. It's shocking to say the least. A lot of men here can attest to how insane this experience can be.

Now, one can try to diagnose this shit-show till the cows come home:

- Red Pill types would tell me that I probably didn’t “hold my frame”. My answer to that is: fuck off with that schoolboy shit. The concept is definitely true, but in any real sense it is impossible to do every day for one’s entire life. Even if it means me being slightly quiet one day because I have things on my mind. Frame also evolves. If your frame NEVER changes, you are probably autistic and I don't trust men like you.

- Feminists would say all sorts of shit too. And no matter what they say, it would completely dismiss my perspective and those of my children. Feminism does not care about men and children – or anyone else for that matter. It is only concerned with feminism and the hive. In fact, feminism will murder a woman for stepping out of line.

- Therapists might point to some “breakdown in communication” or other generic bullshit advice from a book.

But if you forced me to pinpoint the core problem for us, I would say it was her friend Jenny.

Simply put, and in hindsight, Jenny was jealous of my wife's life and hated the fact that she could not find a good man for herself. Jenny had season tickets for the Rooster-Go-Round, and the cognitive dissonance presented by her biological motherly urges was too much for her to bear. So rather than change her ways, she poisoned my wife with feminist "go gurrlll" garbage, for who knows what reason. We all know women like that.

After several years of this, coupled with the feminist influence of the other women at her work and perhaps even her older sister, she finally got it in her head that she was missing out on something. I was no longer a loving protective good man, but an oppressive jerk for expecting her to do any dishes EVER. "After all, can a man breastfeed the babies? I didn't think so!" (I wish I were joking about this).


Fast forward to 2 years post-divorce. She was now smoking cigarettes and weed, and drinking and partying more than ever. She was also on anxiety medication, and I think something for depression. I also found out that she was taking some sketchy weight loss pills (Her sister and another friend were taking these meds that had to be prescribed, but she had to travel into the city to get them, because no local doctors would prescribe them.)

She also had a boyfriend, who I found out she was not happy with and was trying to break up with. She had also been on a few girls’ weekends away to places like Vegas. Yay sisterhood!


About 6.5 years ago from today, my ex dropped dead of a sudden stroke right in front of my two youngest ones. (The doctor in charge attributed the brain aneurism to smoking coupled with a family history of stroke).

About 20 minutes prior to this event, I had dropped off the kids to her. I had just arrived back at my place, when one of my children used a neighbor's cell phone to call me, crying for me to come back quick because “mom is on the floor and she isn’t moving”.

I got there just as medics were putting here in the ambulance.

So stop for a second and imagine a man in my shoes. Say what you will, call me an asshole, or weak, or a pussy, or blue pilled or whatever words you wish. I am a man, a real human standing in the kitchen cleaning up a puddle of drool and vomit, watching an ambulance take the love of my life away to the hospital, telling my little children everything was going to be fine.

A week later, they pulled her off life support (at the behest of her family, and at my suggestion) and I was left to raise my children alone.

The day they pulled that plug, I lost the love of my life for the second time.


Prior to this event, there was a hopeful little boy inside me. He was a super happy, playful, upbeat kid who never let shit get to him. He was eager to please despite an abusive alcoholic stepfather, an alcoholic mother, physically abusive nuns in K-8, shitty broken people around throughout childhood – drug abusers, alcoholics, the whole crew – not one of them were able to break that little guy’s spirit.

And the very next day after she died, that little guy inside me died.

I am no longer the same person I was before then, and I know I never will be. And that realization was perhaps the worst feeling of all.

Sure, I still mourn the death of my ex/wife from time to time, when nostalgia grabs me. But if I am being honest, I mourn the death of that beautiful little boy EVERY DAY. That little wholesome spirit of a kid lived safely in my heart and soul since the day I was born. Every single day I still think about that little dude.

There are not enough tears, trust me.

And I am sure there are those who would be supportive and say "Hey man, he is not dead...Don't think like that...Things will get better..." And to that I would say "Thank you for the kind words, but you don't understand; This is not a decision I am making. it is simply a matter of fact"

So these days, respecting his memory is about the only thing that keeps me going. Since this is all in my head (technically) I imagine he would want me to be this way.

Now back to Jenny.

The little boy version of me would want to forgive her. How could she have known? But the new me hates her fucking guts. I still yearn for the day I hear of her miserable writhing death. That cunt deserves whatever foul things happen to her in the future.

But I digress…

The real moral of this story, if there is one, is AWALT.

As some of you know I have a slightly different take on AWALT. Without rehashing it, let’s just say that even when a woman starts out beautiful, and happy, and amazing, there will always be a Jenny out there; seething, and scheming, and despising your woman for having it so good with you. And you can never be there with her at work, listening to the countless bullshit stories other women will tell her about the MAN who raped a kid, or the MAN who beat his wife, of the MEN who blah blah blah.

Sooner or later, YOU will become representative of those men. If you are lucky, you will not be lumped in with rapists and child abusers – you will merely be a patriarchal asshole who only does dishes three nights a week.


So let OP's OP linked above, and this post serve as a message: No matter how great a woman may be, she will always be vulnerable to the Jenny’s of the world. And as Jenny smiles at you, and befriends you, and compliments you, and comes to your family functions and office parties, all the while she wants what your woman has. But rather than getting that for herself, she needs YOUR woman to lose it. Only then can Jenny feel satisfied. That’s how Jenny’s think, and that’s how they work, although they would never admit it.

Good luck out there men. Have a good weekend, and remember this, as the saying goes:

The best revenge is a life well lived


Edit: I see that this post got a report for: " It's promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability "

This report was most likely submitted by a Jenny. Above all else Jenny despises men calling her out or talking negatively about her. Forget me, my children, my ex's family and friends - forget everything. Forget her hateful ideology that contributed to the death of a good woman, it is ME who is promoting hate for sharing my story.

You cannot make this stuff up folks.