Imagine being in your teens, being mystified about women and wondering how to sleep with them to satisfy your biological urges. After all, women are biologically at peak fertility during high school, and you have a crush on 1-2 of them that has been forming for years. But, they aren't interested in you. They are interested in Chad Richkid, or Tyrone Drugdealer, or some other college douche. You don't understand why; after all, you listened to your mom / teachers / Hollywood explain that women want a Good Man, someone who respects women, listens to what they say, and treats them as equals. Why, then, do these other assholes attract women your age despite very obviously being losers with no future? You try not to dwell on it much since you have to pass your classes and get into college or whatever, but you biologically cannot help but try and get laid as much as possible.

Then come your 20's; you graduate college or otherwise find a good field / trade to get into, and you're setting yourself up to be prime husband material. You get laid a handful of times but your sex life doesn't compare even to what you saw other douchebags get in high school. The women in college were easy fun, but they mostly weren't interested in marriage (and if they were, they would rather have a Christian Grey / CEO type over you). Chad and friends from high school may be unemployed or in a fledgling band, or full-on drug dealing by this point, and to your bewilderment they still pull all the girls from your college / age group. "Whatever", you think to yourself, as every movie you watch reassures you that women deep down want a guy like you to love and marry them; they just need to get the kinks out of their system first. You build yourself up career-wise and still put in effort trying to get laid, but compared to high school where it was an obsession, the effort put in during your 20's is only when you have the time.

Imagine now in your 30's / 40's; you have a career chosen and are making serious bank. You may or may not own your own house, and you are a responsible, tax-paying adult. The only piece missing is the wife and kids! Now that you are prime husband material, you go back into the dating pool... only to find women that are known sluts, man-hating hags, single moms, divorcees, unambitious losers with mountains of debt, and some that are all combinations of these things. You take a look at online dating, but realize quickly that at least 95% of women on there are terrible marriage prospects, and even still they are getting solicitations from guys that are "hotter" than you; you have no chance reaching out to them online unless you lead with how much money you make, but you know that will only attract gold-diggers and divorce-rapists. You start to notice increased attention from women your age; it seems that they are finally ready to marry. However, you know that they have spread their legs for Chad and friends for free in the past, while they make you wait until date #3 before you get so much as a kiss. Why would you waste your time on OLD and putting yourself out there for women, only to get Chad's used up leftovers?

You were supposed to be every woman's dream man and by every measure of what society / Hollywood says, you are. You are financially stable, not terribly ugly, but you have a good heart and want to love and marry and have kids. And yet, Chad and friends who are now unemployed or destined for menial low-level jobs, have kids out of wedlock and still sleep around. It may dawn on you that you were lied to, or it may not; at this point it doesn't matter. You decide to focus on yourself, since your life has nowhere to go but up due to your good decisions in your 20's.

Women take to the internet and cry out for a Good Man, and conveniently leave out their history over the past decades, where they walked past Good Men to hop onto Chad's dick; often right in front of the Good Man! "Good Men don't exist" they type in their 30's, 40's and 50's, while they scroll through Tinder and swipe based on looks alone, painfully unaware of the abyss that awaits them in old age. They look out the window to see you, driving down the street in your favorite car, doing whatever you feel like. "What a loser / incel / pervert, he doesn't know what he's missing."

You, however, ignore them in the exact manner they ignored you decades ago, and smile because you do, in fact, know what you're missing. Bullet dodged.