A survey of unmarried Japanese people taken by the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research has yielded some surprising results.


"The number of men with no sexual experience drops with age, but it’s still large at 34: 26.1 percent. For women age 34, it’s somewhat less, but not by much – 23.8 percent." The survey did not include any married people, but it does say a lot about Japanese society.

Many of the men on this sub speak of valuing non-American women higher for LTRs or marriage. If you want a wife and children, perhaps a Japanese woman is a good bet. Seems that there are plenty of them who aren't worn out cum-dumpsters. A woman who hasn't spent her most fertile decade in bars hopping from cock to cock probably has some actual hobbies and is likely to be a more interesting person too. Obesity rates in Japan are also much lower.

I assume AWALT still applies to them, but perhaps in toned down manner without the worst aspects of it. I don't have any real insight into Japanese culture, but perhaps some of the guys on this sub have experience with Japanese women and can comment on their tendencies.