Basically that ^ . I'll also put some of the messages here in case it helps you guys help me.

Her: Mhmm I'm not planning to cheat

Me: Neither am I

Her: But since I'm not planning to cheat so if your thinking abt making out or something like that then maybe we shouldn't meet up ^ _ ^

Me: I'm not planning anything

Me: You decide what we do silly

Her: Well :P

Her: Cuz there's actually nothing to do at my place

Me: There's me and you

Her: I think my roommate will be home too I'm not sure lol

Me: ever heard of chatting? It's quite the thing these days

Her: Okay then :P

Text continues about other random shit~

It's very obvious she likes me, I also found out she's only had 2 boyfriends(the current one being the second). She's 22 and I'm 20. She also said she might be shy and nervous when she's with me. That's all the information I could collect without making it look like a creepy questionnaire.

How should I go tomorrow? Extra confidence all in her face? What should I do?

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: will update this with a new post tomorrow. Thanks for the advice lads.