Yes, all women are hypergamous, just like all men want to fuck a ton of girls.
But there are different degrees to it. Some men would like to fuck a lot of girls but would rather practice an instrument or spend time studying for a great career. Or some men think that five girls is a ton.
In the same way, all women want the best that they can get, but not all women are total trash who would leave a 5 year relationship for a guy who is only a half a point higher SMV than her current boyfriend.
Some girls like to drink alcohol on occasion but if their favorite restaurant introduced Baja Blast they would go for that instead.
Some girls get excited about Mountain Dew Baja Blast with alcohol in it (even though it probably tastes like shit).
Some girls have one tattoo on their wrist that they got when they turned 18 and won’t ever get more, and don’t make extreme decisions all the time.
Some girls have Pinterest boards dedicated to tattoos and have a half sleeve, a thigh tattoo, and will probably look like a dry erase board by the time they’re 35.
So if you’re basing all of your opinions about women as a whole on one girl/type of girl who took things to the extreme, then you are just as mistaken as a guy who drinks toilet water because he assumes that it is the fountain of youth.
P.S. Assume they’re sluts until proven otherwise.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1y ago Stickied
I think this post opens the door to a conversation that is needed in TRP. I don't necessarily think some of the delivery of it was entirely digestible but this is a needed conversation on here.
A lot of guys here take AWALT to an extreme instead of as a general blueprint for female psychology, biology, and social behavior. There is variation in female preference and behavior and I firmly think this is a topic that is worth developing further
AWALT is commonly misconstrued in RP communities, generally by less experienced users but I've seen some successful men still go into automatic AWALT mode the second their girl does something and then they bungle their frame over it instead of considering nuance
I would encourage some of the highly experienced users to take a stab at an AWALT post or collab on one that we can introduce to TRP to better clarify the concept as IMO it has been a blindspot for years in the sidebar
I'm willing to take a stab at it too later or collaborate on a post with someone
mattyanon Admin 1y ago
I'm torn.
AWALT leads men to think "they're all as bad as each other".
But NAWALT leads men to think "this one is perfect, much better than all those OTHER girls", and then get married and fucked over by the girl and the state.
The reality is of course somewhere in between: all women are capable of leaving and fucking you over..... but some are worse than others.
[deleted] 1y ago
[deleted] 1y ago
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1y ago
@Typo-MAGAshiv Do you have the post saved somewhere? I think I remember seeing that one day
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 1y ago
I touched on it here, when I said:
I've also discussed AWALT on the side of the site multiple times.
[deleted] 1y ago
whytehorse2021 1y ago
"Hypergamy isn't a straight jacket" ~ Rollo Tomassi. Women can and do have agency and make choices. We're just holding them accountable for those choices.
No-Stress-Cat 1y ago
It's not the nature of women to be AWALT. It's the laws of society that empower and encourage women to be AWALT.
Back in the early days, NAWALT absolutely applied, because women were held accountable for their bad decisions, and shamed by society for going outside the traditional norms. Things have changed drastically since the women's empowerment movement came along, much to the detriment of society.
It's not that women ARE AWALT, but that they CAN BE AWALT, at any given moment and at any time they want to be, with the full backing of the government behind them. Yes, that also includes Little Suzy Homebody the Virgin who ain't never kissed a man before. All it takes nowadays is nothing more than an accusation, or even a suggestion that they've been made to "feel uncomfortable".
Next thing you know, you've been #MeToo'd because #BelieveAllWomen and #GuiltyUntilProvenInnocent.
It's not about the women that men should be so cautious, but about the power women wield that can be used to instantly inflict serious damage against them.
nicknack 1y ago
Even one tattoo is enough to put her in the no-commitment bin. Never met a mentally stable woman with tats. Ask a girl about the story of her tattoo and it’s never ever good news. Some whores trip, some trauma, some ex, the list goes on and only gets uglier.
[deleted] 1y ago
nicknack 1y ago
Those are the most dangerous ones. At least the ones who look like a sailor who spent his life in prison are glaring red flags. The little tattoo that they think is so cute and is small enough for you to hold your nose because she’s otherwise “special” and really hot is enough to get you in a bad position.
[deleted] 1y ago
Durek_The_Bald 1y ago
Yes, this. Exactly what I came here to say.
Getting caught up in "degrees" of AWALT is just heading into a blind alley. The point of "AWALT" is women's nature, not women's outcome. Outcome has to do with a lot more than just nature - such as opportunity, upbringing, shame, duty etc. But if you want to understand women's feelz, you have to understand their nature. And that's AWALT for you.
Lone_Ranger 2 1y ago
Good post. On the face of it, the 'accusation' of hypergamy is really a red herring.
It's worth looking it up in the dictionary.
hypergamy noun the action of marrying or forming a sexual relationship with a person of a superior sociological or educational background.
The modern usage (esp on this forum) is slightly different - we take it to mean women that attempt to date up, or marry up in terms of SMB and RMV. But this is hardly a crime - everyone tries to maximise their own utility. Men do it, we all do it. We try and get the best we can.
I personally have no issue with women trying to get the best partner they can. The real problem for society is the dual mating strategy - when women wont even look at their same value counterparts in the dating (casual sex) market, and then get all confused when it comes to 'settling down' (dating with a purpose, in woman speak) that they are going to have to go several rungs down.
It's the dual mating strategy and the post wall failure to deal with reality that is causing a LTR crisis in the west. We are seeing dramatic falls in household formation and birth rates, and its because of DMS, not hypergamy.
If women understood that they can sleep up for 10 years, but that the price of this is that they will have to marry down, then all would be well. They might look at the deal in front of them, which is this;
If women knew that was the choice they had to make, I think we would see a huge increase in the number of women that choose option 2.
Intrepid_Place53900 1 1y ago
AWALT, is true, but as many point out (to what degree is she awalt)
it's about control of emotions, rational thought and action.
Many girls get burned by (the hot guy).
Some, keep going for the hot guy, over and over. They don't get that he's out of your league little avg girl. He's just having fun with you.
some girls , go the opposite direction and I know some of these girls. They will "NEVER" go after a guy out of their league again. They don't even date in their league. I know girls who are solid 7's, 7.5, dating guys who are like 5's.
Dead bedroom awaits that guy, she wanted the hot guy, she got burned, changed her modis operandi.
some girls, figure it out fast and realize. Ok, If I want "fun", I'll go for the hot guys, but they aren't gonna hang around. For a LTR, I'll take a guy, who's a notch or two down.
They all want the hot guy.
The rest of it is variable.