Exhibit A and B: https://imgur.com/gallery/IjawIRb
I suspect this is why I haven't been getting laid as well. My self esteem has been total dogshit for the past 4 years and I've just continued to ignore this until now.
I was in great shape practically for all of my life, and then I was hit with OCD a few years back suddenly. Kind of fucked my life up. I became a total recluse, gave up on society and ultimately myself. This is the unfortunate result. Now I've dealt with the OCD, I want my life and my physique back but I just don't know where to begin and I fear I'll never be able to undo the damage I've done.
I'm not a huge guy. The pic might be deceptive, but I'm not actually fat fat, I just have this disgusting layer of subcutaneous fat on my abdomen, love handles and zero definition. I can actually still feel my abs under there. They must miss the surface world.
I'm 5'9" and still slim. Weigh about 155 pounds. I'm still surprisingly fit all things considered, but my stamina is not what it once was. You wouldn't be able to tell this is what I look like underneath a shirt, but regardless of that, I want it gone.
How do I go about this? I know I have to seriously cut some shit from my diet such as endless coffees with sugar in them, pastries, takeaways and other bullshit like that. That's no problem. I just wanna know the best way to burn all of this nasty fat off. Fat does not suit me.
I'm ready to do something about it, just need a little advice. If you need more details just ask.
[deleted] 1w ago
coolsocks00 1 1w ago
Same gae low effort, low confidence, manchild posts from you as last year i see. How can you still be so retarded that you think a few % of body fat matters for your success with women?
Grow the fuck up. Chill the fuck out. Let your balls drop back down into your nutsack. And everything will be ok.
MidgetSpinner 1w ago
It's not about them, it's for me and my self esteem.
mattyanon Admin 2w ago
This is extremely well covered in a billion websites.
Do cardio, do weights, calculate your daily energy expenditure (BMR + Exercise), eat 500-1000 cals less than this.
This is EXTREMELY simple and easy to calculate.
Here, I'll just do it for you.
BMR = 1678 cals. Exercise: 400 calories per day (this is 30 mins of fairly hard cardio, don't estimate it, the machine at the gym will tell you) Lifting and post-exercise extra burn: 100 cals per day
That's about 2200 cals.
Eat 1500 cals.
THAT IS IT. 700 cal deficit will lose you a pound a week of fat.
Come back in thee months when it doesn't work with a post called "I didn't count the calories I ate, I ate out every night, I cheated on my diet at weekends and I didn't do enough exercise, why am I not losing weight?"
Whatsnext 2w ago
+1 to the people who say "i ate 1500 calories every day" and you say to send a screenshot of Myfitnesspal or chronometer and they say they didnt track lmfaooo
mattyanon Admin 1w ago
Yeah......... most people are "it can't be more than 1750", which means "I didn't count".
Everyone who actually sticks to their calorie deficit will either lose weight or die. I don't see many deaths, sooooo......
MidgetSpinner 2w ago
Yeah, I'm not gonna be that guy. It's not like I haven't been in shape before, haven't fasted before, haven't eaten healthy before, can't do maths etc. But I appreciate your comment.
mattyanon Admin 1w ago
So are you looking for a different approach or do you just want a kick in the ass?
MidgetSpinner 1w ago
After reflection: definitely a kick in the ass.
mattyanon Admin 1w ago
consider it delivered.
now stop the mental masturbation and get on with doing it
adam-l Moderator 2w ago
Maybe get that anti-AIDS pill, go for a long weekend to Mexico or SE Asian country and bury yourself into the escort scene? Would that work?
You 're apparently using your physique as an excuse.
MidgetSpinner 1w ago
Lmao. Well my confidence was at its peak when I was in good shape. When I can't even take my shirt off because I can't stand the sight of myself, then women are the least of my problems. But I am officially working on it now. Signed up for the gym, went to the gym twice this week and diet has been reversed.
First-light 2w ago
I am not sure that I see too much to worry about here. There isn't a huge journey back to be taken.
Coffee is good for fat metabolism, just cut the sugar right out. Cutting out refined carbs would help a lot. If that's not enough then a mild calorie deficit for a few weeks. Don't overdo the deficit or you will shrink the muscles. Its hard to do a mild deficit, its most of the misery of a big one and slow progress. Definition will come back fine with some exercises, probably even body weight ones.
As ever its about taking your time if you want solid lasting results. Probably worth some cardiovascular exercise to get the stamina back, probably worth some hard lactic sprints to get your HGH up. If you are enjoying exercising, this will sort itself almost naturally. The trick is to find something sustainable and fun and that gradually just gets better not that burns out.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 2w ago
Bro. You should not be this stuck with how many times you've posted about this issue past couple of years.
Rinse and repeat what you did the first time you got any of these results. Why would anything be different? You already know how you got it the first time. Do it again. You are in a helpless spiral for no fucking reason unless you're taking all kinds of substances or not sleeping any more
MidgetSpinner 2w ago
Nevermind all the psychological shit, I've dealt with that. This post is strictly about getting my physique right again which I have never posted about before.
As for what I was doing before? I was constantly riding bikes everywhere, drumming, fucked chicks about a thousand times a week. Barely even went to the gym to be honest, so how I had that physique is a mystery to me.
Fucking a load of chicks isn't feasible right now when I can't even get one chick to look at me. But I don't care. My only focus is to get in shape again. I'm not in a spiral either. Nor am I on substances. Let's stick to the subject, bro.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 2w ago
Buy and read bigger leaner stronger by Michael Matthews
Packing muscle will help. Do sprints or burpees for fat. Sprints are best
MidgetSpinner 2w ago
What's a good consistency without burning yourself out and overtraining? 4-5 times a week? I'll go ham if I have to.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 2w ago
I have never had to do sprints, i just know they burn the most calories fastest and with muscle gain on legs instead of muscle loss
MrSupreme 2w ago
Neither of those pictures are a bad physique if you're looking to be more attractive to women, either will do just fine (be attractive,dont be unattractive)
If what you want is to look your absolute best, and we're talking gym freak levels,then determine where you wanna go, is it a big bulk like a body builder? or ripped as hell like those calisthenics guys? Thin snd athletic like marathon runners?
Set the goal then walk the proper road, because in this case there are different tweaks and adjustments you have to do nutritionally from the start.Watch some videos,get inspired then work your ass off.
MidgetSpinner 2w ago
More the calisthenic ripped side closer to or better than what I had before, as I think I'd look retarded being a body builder at my height. I'm built more for speed and stamina anyway so that suits me better. That said, I do obviously want some muscle as well, I just don't want to be puffed up and huge.
First and foremost though, I just wanna get rid of all the fat on my body so I can see the muscles that I know are under there, and the fuckin veins on the skin as well. All this doughy shit is nasty.
MrSupreme 2w ago
Yeah,nothing beats watching the veins pop. If i were you, I would get some inspiration watching some calisthenics videos (THENX and Fran Medrano come to mind) and make a superhuman effort on the diet. Nutrition is the hard part IMO
Kloi 2w ago
You answered your own question.
That and start working out for whatever your goal is. If you were in great shape most your life, you already have an idea of what you want and how to obtain it through training.
Musicgoon78 2 2w ago
Well, you certainly given a new lifestyle a go haven't you?
Now you've had 4 years to try out the victim lifestyle. If it works for you, cool. If it doesn't then start lifting again. You got what you wanted. That was excuses and feeling sorry for yourself. If it doesn't work then start lifting and eating better. Go with a lifestyle that makes you happy.
Althorian 2w ago
As strange as it may sounds, many people were hit with a sort of depression throughout the years. Their solution? Motivational speakers. Might sound a little bit weird, indeed, yet getting focused on a motivation speaker like (for example) Andrew Tate could potentially motivate you to be better. You might also have no motivation and no faith in society/humanity anymore, which sure could be problematic, but tell yourself that you’re doing this for you, not for anyone else, tell yourself that they are just some dumb retards who don’t need your attention. I’d also recommend getting yourself to the gym voluntarily, having no motivation is not an excuse anymore; would you rather die like a loser or die like someone you want to be and who’s happy?