I've opened a topic about this before, and this is more of a general question. What is our future as men if women cut off our access to offspring, and the only alternative is having children with a bitch wife, where it's very uncertain if you'll ever see your children again after a divorce?
Should we just become fathers very late and hope for that rare 10 percent of loving, obedient women? How do you deal with this while still being childless?
Are there alternatives? Should we become sperm donors? But anonymous donors have no right to visitation, so this still feels completely meaningless. And I refuse to provide children for a lesbian couple.
Curious about your thoughts on this. This must be on the minds of more men.
adam-l Moderator 1mo ago
There's a biological need for men to have sex, yes, and to have a woman. Not so for having children per se. The problems of loneliness, meaning, and a tribe to lead can be solved in other, more efficient, pleasant and realistic ways.
First-light 1mo ago
I would disagree, the biological drive to have sex is for procreation not to give men entertainment (often at resource cost and risk). The biological drive is to have children, it can be assuaged by having sex with women using contraceptives but in that case it is for men a waste of time in the end. Only bang women worth having children with.
Lionsmane8 1mo ago
I want to have children.
What bothers me is that present day women suck, and the way society is structured (around fucking men over and locking them into the labor class) sucks even more.
I feel it at the instictual level. I have to fight off that instinct so I don't jump into the deed with he first pretty face I run into.
adam-l Moderator 1mo ago
It's an existential rather than an instinctual issue.
We humans need to "leave something behind". Sure, "your DNA" is a candidate, but when you consider how much it gets diluted in just a few generations...
The other, more high-level solution that men have historically employed is to leave their footprint on society. Their works. Science, art, these kinds of things.
Lionsmane8 1mo ago
Nah I love kids.
First-light 1mo ago
For me the solution is to do what men do best -take calculated risks, take the hits, get up and keep going.
You have a chance here to get through a genetic bottleneck that is coming, probably world wide, certainly in the west. In the bronze age to get through genetic bottlenecks you needed to sack cities and lead their women off, in the stone age you needed to out hunt and gather your rivals in hard times, today you have to face the gynocentric big state and aim to win, accept loses if you have to but do achieve your aim.
So get as legally safe as you can -gold, hidden bank accounts, precious metal certificates, sleeper investments, limited companies, antique collections, diamonds and so on. Learn about female nature. Select the best option you can attain on your SMV. Refuse to marry. Aim to only buy a house with equal equity. See how well you can do. Always have plan b in mind in case she goes for your wallet.
What I never did but what is a smart move is to aim to be an equal carer (I know its dumb and against nature because women do it better with young children but it plays gyno state at its own game. If your relationship goes tits up, you are an equal carer. Hell if you were a house husband you would walk away with maintenance. Personally I have always been the sole provider (and usually sole proerty owner) and after years of ZERO thanks for it I would have played it differently if I did it again. Happily I will not do it again. Having had number of children with a number of women, I am cashing out. But if you have not get in the game, play up and play the game. This is easier than sacking cities, easier than eating bugs and carrion in the winter wearing only skins. Our ancestors had it harder and put us here, don't pussy out -fuck the gynocracy and knock it up.
whytehorse2021 1mo ago
Get your passport. There are 4 billion women on the planet. Not all of them are Western militant feminist quantahahas. I did it 18yrs ago and have been happily married ever since and have 2 sons.
No-Stress-Cat 1mo ago
This is the way.
MrSupreme 1mo ago
Move out of your country, there are plenty of more conservative women out there that don't hate men, more conservative societies.
NeoSpartan 1mo ago
Date a lot of different girls till you find a good one.
Just because it's a lot worse than it used to be doesn't mean it's not possible. And once you find a good one... well women are by nature easy to manipulate. They are always going to be high in agreeableness, our main problem is what messages are being transmitted into their heads.
Shit like handmaiden's tale and all the other crap our elites poison their heads with.