28yo single mom walked into coffee shop with a dog, I said her dog was cute and that I've remember seeing the two of them before.

She walks over and sits down to talk because she likes "making friends." She tells me her life story, with one little mention of her boyfriend. Then she machine-gunned questions at me, asking about what I did for work, where I lived, and what I'm doing in the area. Not really shit tested per say, but I played to some mystery. I did tell her, but not immediately.

She's super extroverted, single mom, hippie, and likes to go clubbing. She's also an LGBTQ ally. She mentioned her boyfriend just once. They're probably the open relationship type of couple, her IG page has 0 pictures of him.

She spoke so fast and said so much that I mostly just gave short answers and a couple questions. There wasn't much room for me to get a word in. Then she shared that she lives just right next door, and has some errands to run and for me to add her on Facebook because she likes making friends.