28yo single mom walked into coffee shop with a dog, I said her dog was cute and that I've remember seeing the two of them before.
She walks over and sits down to talk because she likes "making friends." She tells me her life story, with one little mention of her boyfriend. Then she machine-gunned questions at me, asking about what I did for work, where I lived, and what I'm doing in the area. Not really shit tested per say, but I played to some mystery. I did tell her, but not immediately.
She's super extroverted, single mom, hippie, and likes to go clubbing. She's also an LGBTQ ally. She mentioned her boyfriend just once. They're probably the open relationship type of couple, her IG page has 0 pictures of him.
She spoke so fast and said so much that I mostly just gave short answers and a couple questions. There wasn't much room for me to get a word in. Then she shared that she lives just right next door, and has some errands to run and for me to add her on Facebook because she likes making friends.
Maturin_nj 5mo ago
Looks like an adventurous who has short term potential. Her words, I like to make friends. A chick used to FZing guys. Normal for her.
Never ever go anywhere near the fz. Perhaps ask if she wants to meet for drinks. Right now she's in the maybe box in terms of her interest. Either she's a yes in her interest or shes not interested in you. If she resists, or says some time wasting shit like "ok as friends" you withdraw all attention and she becomes invisible. You then focus on girls who are interested and not leading with any sort of friend nonsense.but if she's good looking, and youre interested -- find out. Not a lot of effort required on your part if you do it right.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 5mo ago
After around 2 years on TRP, why are you even asking this.
If a woman is interested in you, and she makes plans with you or accepts your plans, and you make out with her or she fucks you, she's interested
Without fail, every time, if a woman escalates with you, there is interest
Stop asking if xyz is interested in you in advance. Find out yourself BY ESCALATING, not by asking US
Back to your question, maybe she had a boyfriend, maybe she didn't. maybe she had a boyfriend and was trying to Branch swing. maybe she's just very extroverted. Maybe she loves her boyfriend but he's a stone wall at home so she talks to other people to meet her conversational needs, maybe she was bored. Maybe she doesn't have a boyfriend and has a stupid game where she asks a bunch of questions of guys until she feels comfortable enough to tell guys she just says she has a boyfriend until she can drop her shield.
Who fucking cares. This shouldn't be a question from you after 2 years of being here. Find out yourself
[deleted] 5mo ago
Vermillion-Rx Admin 5mo ago
You can't second guess information you wouldn't have unless you tried
There is nothing to second-guess, because you are only at a speculation stage. You wouldn't know unless you escalated
Zero point in post other than to find something to mentally masturbate about that you'll never get an actual answer to
AbusiveFather1 5mo ago
sounds like she's looking for orbiters. i know the type: they have this whole routine down to a T - quickly evaluate you/gather intel and place you into a category by the value she can extract from you. and you know the deal - if it isn't the sex/fun category, it's best to be in the "no value/can't get anything from him" category.
obligatory mattyanon: escalate to find out
No-Stress-Cat 5mo ago
Her: "HI! Blah blah blah blah blah blah... What do you do blah blah blah blah blah..."
Me: Are you on drugs, lady?
MrSupreme 5mo ago
I was gonna try and be helpful,but I'm gonna double down on helpfulness by telling you to leg it next time you see her,only because she is into LGBTQ whatever. It would be better if she was just another blue haired goth
First-light 5mo ago
Women rarely waste time on men they have zero potential interest in. However most of the time potential never converts to actual interest because of circumstances and the need for reciprocal interest. But the don't waste time on zero potential guys, they usually simply do not notice them.
Do you want to stick you dick in crazy? This is the big question here. She has got her world view all messed up, sides with a group of losers -hippies, has kids, and may be a bit manic by the sound of it. Sometimes the answer is "I don't care I just want to dip my wick" in which case carry on and see what happens. You might get your dick wet but you would need to be very clear on your boundaries as she is a bit crazy and she lives nearby.
Durek_The_Bald 5mo ago
All I know is, her boyfriend is the kind of guy who gets into something serious with a single mom, which pretty much places him at the very bottom of the socio-sexual hierarchy of men. So you can safely assume she's up for a bit of action with someone, though not necessarily with you.
Lone_Ranger 2 5mo ago
Why are you even asking us these kinds of questions?
If a woman is talking to you in a situation where she doesn't need to talk to you, she wants something from you. SHE IS NOT LOOKING FOR FRIENDS, SHE IS NOT BEING FRIENDLY, SHE HAS PLENTY OF FRIENDS, SHE WANTS SOMETHING FROM YOU.
It could a few things
There is no way anyone on this forum can figure out what it is that she wants, that is your job.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 5mo ago
NeoSpartan 5mo ago
Who the fuck but a simp lefty would let his gf go clubbing?
That's sad man, this chick sounds like trash.
Also, if a girl tells you she has a boyfriend, duh, she isn't interested. She is interested in IG clout however, and seeming "popular" (bad kind of popular though).
Anyway, she talked at you not to you. Hope she at least added you back, though.. it's likely you will be unfollowed the next time she does a clout purge. You will still be able to follow her though and give her free attention if you want.
Up to you, but I'm pretty confident that this is what happened and will happen. Girls act much different from this if they find you attractive.
[deleted] 5mo ago
NeoSpartan 5mo ago
Oh my bad, you mentioned her IG so I thought u did. Nice man, def the right attitude.
Nothing dries them up faster than simping. Some girls might pick a simp for monetary gain and power over the relationship, but they will almost certainly cheat in that case and the sex life will be very bad.