I've been in a LTR for two years. She was a plate/FB for a little bit, then soon we started having social time together (FWB). Almost a year in she asked repeatedly where do we stand and she became my girlfriend. No red flags, and plenty of green flags at that point.

Now 2 years or almost as an LTR and living together. Planning to start a family together in a year or so. I finally met her parents last week.

Two days ago, coming back home, she threw a tantrum. I tried to calm her down but couldn't. Maybe that was a mistake as it's supplicating behavior. When asking why she was mad she said loud, in a subway train full of people "you're being an asshole".

I left her there. I saw in the text notifications that she was getting a hotel. I didn't open the messages and this has become a soft-next so far. She continues texting being mad.

She had a similar tantrum a year and a half ago, but she didn't insult me back then. I soft-nexted her that time too.

I'm familiar with u/HumanSockPuppet's Guide to Managing Your Bitches. According to the guide, since she insulted me in public, she should be demoted to level 1 (plate/FB) and never rise again to anything beyond that.

I don't think I have oneitis. But I spent 2 years with her and maybe I'm falling the sunk cost fallacy. Or maybe u/HumanSockPuppet's guide is just too harsh.

The question for Ask TRP:

Just soft-next or hard-next (back to FB at most)?

EDIT: There's an event in 2 days where I'm going to run into her almost for sure. I'm considering ending the soft-next tomorrow.