I havent seen my fwb in a few weeks but last night we hung out. She came over and everything was good. We had sex and she asked me if ive "been with" other girls. I told her "Sometimes" .. She looked a bit sad. I asked out of curiosity and she told me shes not seeing anyone right now. (I dont believe this answer anyways)

I answered truthfully because were not exclusive, and plus she saw my IG stories of me on a date with another girl, Im about 100% sure she was following up on that and was maybe jealous and wanted to let me know she knew, or bring it up herself.

Now, I know nothing was wrong with my answer, but I do wanna get exclusive with this girl. So in this specific case, Im not sure if adding more competition anxiety was a good thing, but neither was saying "no im only seeing you" which would be both low value and clearly lying. I also was not sure if i shouldve let her known that I was interested in a serious relationship with her in that exact moment. Mainly because she may think the other girl is more of a serious thing and it could discourage her. The truth is the other girl is just a plate.

In the past I had a fwb i really liked, she asked me the same thing, and i told her "sometimes"..after maybe a few weeks she wanted to go exclusive with me. And we did, it ended up being one of my best relationships. Im hoping for a similar situation, where the seed has been planted.

Just wondering if this is a similar situation. Do girls ask if youre seeing other girls when theyre heavily considering going exclusive?