Met at bar through mutual friends months ago. Clearly wanted to get with me that night but she ended up too drunk. Followed me next day I msgd her got her number set up date she agrees radio silence day of. Give her one more chance flakes again but suggests the weekend.
Weekend she asks what im doing if im going out answer is no bc I have plans. Asks again following week same thing. Im not usually free on weekends. I invite her to event im going to no response whatever stop talking.
Months later she starts liking my shit on insta and likes me on dating app. do I even bother asking her out again feeling like im losing dignity and respect. Should I just invite her straight to the crib? She pretty hot only reason im considering.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1y ago
You're not her top option
Next, game other women, improve SMV
Stop chasing uninterested women
Lone_Ranger 2 1y ago
I think its worth a YOLO invite to his crib for take out and a movie. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
There is a great phrase in German - "If something is stuck, force it. If it breaks, it was stuck anyway"
He has nothing to lose in this interaction.
DO NOT invite her out on some date.
Gilles 1y ago
Your intuition is right. She doesn't sound completely disinterested, but not really interested when it comes down to business, so its going nowhere. You may or may not be able to land this woman, but she's trying to make you go through hoops with her games. It would take a disproportionate amount of effort to land her, and trying too hard will turn her off also. Best course of actions is to next - she might come around later and act very interested, but in the end she would likely turn to this behavior again. Just move on like nothing happened