Today I just had a date w/a woman I met online. This will probably be the end of a 3 month foray I had in the online dating world. Online she was thick, how I like it. After I got her #, she sent photos that showed that she put on a couple pounds & was edging closer to fat but still not fat. I thought, that's fine, all our dates would be active (gym, walks, etc.) & minimal investment on my part. For our date today, I decided we meet at a Sweetgreen downtown, close to where I have been working. She arrived late, which was fine with me because I decided to go to my workplace when she was 5 minutes late to take care of some project. At around 30 min. later she texted me photos showing the traffic jam. Traffic was bad but she was still late so I told myself the date is over but I would linger to pick up the food I'd ordered. About 50 min. after we were supposed to meet I was waiting on my food when she showed up, revealing that even the photos she texted me were far from reality. Her online photos were about 5 years younger & 50 lbs lighter than her actual appearance; she was beyond fat, around 5 feet 3 inches & easily 190 lbs in my estimate. She approached me. apologized for her tardiness, & greeted me. Apparently my face went from sheer confusion to a stone cold expression because she had the boldness to ask, "Why are you looking like that, what's wrong?" I truthfully replied, "nothing," because I'd already decided that I was leaving after my food was done. She ordered her non-salad, meat filled meal at the salad restaurant (unsurprisingly) & came to sit down. When my food was ready I got up to get it & exited through the door. After several calls she texted: "Wow, that was quite rude of you," despite her lying through photos, arriving an hr. later, & generally wasting my time.
My question to y'all is what is it in female nature that allows for many females to lack any type of shame? This is not the 1st time I've been catfished by a female using photos from her former glory & they all behave the same: boldly & as if they did not blatantly lie online. With this female, in fact, she was right online shortly after I left. Do females have an innate ability to compartmentalize & is this primally based? I know that men aren't capable of this. If a man were catfish someone, for example, he more than likely would be filled with so much shame that he would immediately offer the woman an explanation, something along the lines of "I'm sorry but I had to find a way to see you in real life" or something. Yet this isn't the case with females.
[deleted] 9mo ago
ncstaterepted 9mo ago
Redpillpusher 9mo ago
You need to increase your threshold for danger man
[deleted] 9mo ago
Redpillpusher 9mo ago
Yea, that's clearly the way to go if online dating. But this episode confirmed to me that it's time to leave that scene
mattyanon Admin 9mo ago
For women shame is only linked to consequences. If she can avoid the consequences she will feel no shame.
Sadly this is where female empowerment has gotten us: she can shout down anyone calling her fat for "body shaming". She boldly claims sexism or fatism or ageism or whatever bullshit is going round today. Removing people from her friend group who dare to criticise her for eating too much cake.
So there is a relentless self-dishonesty in her head... "I'm good enough" and "It's what's inside that counts" and all the rest of it. End result is she has surrounded herself with self deception, because that's easier than going to the gym and she can tell herself it works.
So what if she sends old photos, you're not fickle are you? It's the man's job to be loyal and not to care what she looks like on the outside, etc. etc.
Sadly there is a philosophy of "the man is always wrong". So she sends old pics, but it's you who are in the wrong for not wanting her now that she's obese. You're rude for leaving, but doesn't mention her being late, fat, older, etc.
Lone_Ranger 2 9mo ago
OLD is the literal garbage can. The reason you are encountering these low value, lying, fat, shameless, retarded entitlement princessess is because you are on OLD.
OLD is where women go when the IRL approaches dry up. They can't cut it in the real world, so they decide to 'get serious' about dating. Why would any woman decide to 'get serious' about dating, if everywhere she went men smiled at her and opened the door for her and asked her if she wanted a drink?
If you had met this chick in IRL, there would have been no problem. You would have seen that she was short, fat and old, and you would not have given her the time of day. IRL is great, because IRL doesn't lie.
Redpillpusher 9mo ago
Agreed, that's why I stated above that this is the end for me. I'd only made it 3 months ago because I was traveling extensively. It's just a testimony, to many females have their real life approaches dry up so quickly for them. This girl, for example, is 32 & still heavily deluded. When we spoke prior to meeting, she said she would be ready for children around 35, truly idiotic