I am 21 years old and currently in my 4th year of uni the girl in this story is also the same year but 22.
I’ve known this girl since freshman year of uni. Me and her best-friend from HS who also went to our uni form a trio where we used to hang out a lot, me and her bsf used to hangout a lot alone but I could never get her alone 1 on 1. It got to the point next year fall semester I asked her out after she’s been broken up with her bf for a couple a months, she told me she wasn’t “looking for a relationship”. I blocked her on Snapchat and she threw a tantrum to our whole group and gave me the silent treatment until I unblocked her, I didn’t unblock her.
Fast forward 1 year my first semester junior year I unblock her. It wouldn’t be to the spring of this year that we started to hangout late at night. She would give me free weed, alcohol, let me drive her car, run errands together, steal for me anything you think of she was doing for me she would blow up my phone CONSTANTLY I could not go a day without her texting me something random, around this time I didn’t have feelings for her so I tried to put her on with one of my friends her response again was “I’m not looking for a relationship” but they talked for a bit.
Fastfoward to this summer and all communication slowed, I maybe got one text. But I flirted with her a couple of times on snap and she even invited me to a hotel bday party for one of her HS best friends as despite being around people she knew since middle and high school even her bestfriend I was her “only friend” there. The night went great and she was leaving her group talks to come join in mines, she was under me pretty much the whole night. Her best-friend went to hookup with another guy from the part in a different part of the hotel leaving us alone, we shared the bed but she made the point that we both have separate sides(she has a disorder where she doesn’t like physical touch) I didn’t care much as I was drunk. The morning time was a disaster and I heard her throwing up and trying to rush to get out the hotel even getting her best-friend to rush as well, we stayed at the hotel for a hour, before she suggested that I take her and her bsf to McDonald’s, she didn’t even sit in the front she sat in the back.
I was confused as I flirted with her before and everything seemed to be going well. But I insisted on asking her out again. I asked my girl cousin who said the girl was out of my league and my best friend to read our messages to see if she liked me. They both agreed and I asked her on a date. Her response was “I’m your friend and I’m not looking for a relationship with anyone at all right now.” I said I didn’t think it would workout and she went on a rant about how all guys just want a relationship with her and that’s all she felt she was good for.
A month went by without contact and I got a new pet. She wanted to see it, I told her we already discussed where we stand at. She got mad called me immature and disgusting before blocking me, i asked a friend to get me unblocked, before stating this was my second time doing this.
Recently she’s been texting me wanting to see me often. She goes out of her way to contact me to hangout. But I often time take weeks to reply to a simple text from her, I didn’t even wish her a happy birthday nothing seems to faze her. I make zero attempts to reach out to her at all. My friends tell me to just wait it out as she will come around.
Despite all of this she text me so often that after reading this message she might text me soon wanting to see me. I’ve been reading and watching the rp for 3 years and I never had a situation like this where a girl who rejected me is trying to be apart of my life. After a girl rejects me they usually just fade into oblivion but I don’t get her at all. What are TRP thoughts?
mattyanon Admin 12mo ago
She wants your friendship, attention, chasing, validation, etc. etc.
The usual.
But she's not interested in YOU...... so ignore her.
Bummedoutntired 11mo ago
I still have to see her sometimes
Vermillion-Rx Admin 12mo ago
I can respond more in depth if you want but with the time I have
1) do you have scarcity? Is this the only woman you can go for? Surely there are better prospects than this
2) why do you want this with all the drama, touching disorders, crazy behavior, and lack of progress. This chick sounds like an absolute mess
Bummedoutntired 12mo ago
1.) Generally speaking no I’m 6”3 in solid shape could hop and tinder and get solid amount of matches not saying I’m like the most good looking guy ever but I hold my own. One of my friend has a girl roommate and after a couple of convos she wants to hookup with me and she’s very good looking.
2.) Simple answer she’s hot and we get along really well it’s gotten to the point where we all just gotten familiar with each other and we have so many memories together that we’re really close.
The touching disorder is her autism( I know get your laughs in) but she’s very functional like if you met her you wouldn’t know she had it not even me.
Feel free to ask anymore questions I’m a open book
Vermillion-Rx Admin 12mo ago
Honestly this isn't worth it.
It's possible you had bad game years ago or whatever and she never moves past it.
I would just fuck other women. I know how it's like having a certain woman say no and then fixating on it. She doesn't sound worth the effort of headspace
It's probably a combination of you and her
If you're absolutely determined to keep burning time and headspace on her, then at the minimum, cease doing anything fucking you over from a game and frame standpoint
Beyond that anything else is a her problem and you can't control it. It's really hard to fuck a woman you goofed up with if you violated any of the right guy right time right place stuff in the past that makes it impossible for either of those three conditions to be met
[deleted] 12mo ago
Bummedoutntired 12mo ago
Honestly I got to the point where I don’t care anymore, I still talk to other women and I’m more focused on my school than everything else. She’s just interesting, like I can say the most vile shit to her and she still going to be on my hip. Idk she’s bad asf defiantly bare min trying to smash but idc if I don’t.
[deleted] 12mo ago
Vermillion-Rx Admin 12mo ago
Ikr. I would have tapped out a long ass time ago
[deleted] 12mo ago
Vermillion-Rx Admin 12mo ago
Yeah there's no fucking way. I've waited a year to fuck women before but i had them extremely far on the backburner and put next to zero effort into them between exchanges. It was like they didn't exist outside of happening to run into them
[deleted] 12mo ago