Been cold approaching at school lately and gathered quite a few numbers. I approach girls and introduce myself and then ask them about themselves and blah blah blah what the fuck ever. Some of these conversations drag on for a few hours sometimes. Problem is, even after I get their number a lot of time they ghost me.

I was also thinking: how the fuck am I supposed to approach a bunch of chicks if I'm having 20+ minute convos with ones I approach each time? I've seen a video by AMS explaining how all I have to do is walk up, introduce myself and then ask her out after I get her name. I'm approaching chicks on campus and in the mall and I believe that the more I talk to them, the more comfortable they will be to go out with me. I also feel like I'll make a better impression rather than being a guy she interacted with for 15 seconds that day which I feel she will forget. Should I be more direct in my approach or should I talk with them a bit?