For example, in islamic cultures, if a man wants to marry a woman and wants to have other wives after her, he must inform her about this and her consent must be given to this. If her consent is not given, he cannot mary other women except his wife.

Households would be richer assuming that at least 2 or 3 active incomes are generated for that family, giving opportunities for a better life and better child raising conditions.

Is it because corporate reasons? If men were allowed to have multiple wives by the first's consent, this would mean longer childcare for multiple women and increase government spending for mothers, since women would be more prone to marry at least a successful male. Also, this would mean less women in corporate positions, which means that corps would not be able to pay shit incomes for both men and women, because of the overabundance of the work market.

Child rates would also go up, because there are more betas than alphas in the world, so women would also choose a financially stable man to have many kids with.

I'm not saying this from a tradcon perspective, but I was just wondering. Most married men cheat anyways because men need diversity, they can't fuck and live with the same woman for the rest of their lives, specially when the woman gets older and the man keeps himself in top shape.