The most “Alpha” people I’ve met in my life seem to be straight retarded.

I used to work with this guy who was for sure a pussy slayer but the guy was fucking stupid. Man got in trouble for some stupid shit, instead of just closing his mouth and moving along he started telling the boss how it “really is”. He got fired and walked out with his head high. I can’t help but emotionally feel respect, but on the other hand it is such a well paying easy job (albeit with some bullshit management). Now he works at a much worse job for half the wage.

Or these guys are ready to fight any time. Other pussy slayer buddy couldn’t keep his mouth surrounded by a 3 on 1. Its like he has balls, but at the end of the day he just got his shit kicked in and could have ended much much worse.

Or just people skills. They just say whatever they think freely with no regards to how it makes others feel “speak the truth” so to say. Like sure that shows balls but why make enemies when you could make friends instead. Like just be nice.

And they’re selfish as fuck too. They only do exactly what benefits them in the moment as if they have no concept of “hey my small sacrifice could really help this guy and maybe in the future he’ll help me back”.

Every alpha thing that seems to be respectable just seems like a fucking retarded move to me. Its like they have no sense of consequence. Like they don’t think about the future. They live life as if every risk will pay off. As if they are bulletproof. As if nothing can touch them. As if they never have anything to lose.

Or even in highschool, the “bad boys”. The guys who where getting the most pussy where always doing stupid shit. Weed in their backpack knowing all it takes is one pissed teacher (catholic super strict school) to get a criminal record. Or wreaking havoc on the weekends getting drunk making a mess and shit at the school yard.

Even most prisoners are “alpha”, but they’re all in prison.

Am I misunderstanding the situation?

It really seems like the alpha is not actually well suited to survive the world. Like they don’t understand that sometimes you have to be the bitch and follow the rules.