Hey guys, random question.

I worked my ass off the last years and finished my diet a few days ago. I took some pictures in the gym mirror and used one picture on whatsapp. A lot of my friends texted me or told me I look great. But I am not sure how this translate to new girls.

I am a huge fan of day game. I am approaching a lot and I am not sure what girls think if we just spoke 20-30 minutes and then they see my picture on whatsapp. Is it good or bad?

You can see that I am training with my clothes on, so my game in the analog world is, to act in a playfully manner that I am just hanging around in my carv and do nothing even though you can clearly see that I am training and the last piece of the tease is my whatsapp picture xD

What do you think? Does it increase or decrease my SMV?