I'll try to keep the backstory brief. Met a girl from tinder at a cafe, back at mine within the hour and fucking. Amazing sex. We see each other for a few weeks, but I'm very suspicious because she lied about her name at first and gave me a deadline for our fucking but won't tell me why it has to end in October. To my mind it's obvious she has a boyfriend who is out of town or country or something and is coming back then. Then she catfishes me on Tinder and gets mad that I'm talking to other girls. Blocks me on snapchat. Fine, I move on. Then she adds me again, sends me a message, deletes it before I can read it. Blocks me. Adds me. Sends me a message but insta deletes it. Every night I'm getting notifications of her readdding me, obviously poking me with notifications to get me to contact her. She's also blocked and unblocked me on IG as I can see her profile picture appearing and disappearing when I'm in my DMs. I put this down to her missing our sex (because no intentional bragging but I know i rocked her world, not always the case with every girl but she and I had great sexual chemistry), but she's too proud to make the first move so she's nudging me. As I write this post I got another one or "X is typing..." "message received" and I know it will deleted by the time I go to check it out because I always leave at least 20m before I read messages from plates.

Anyway, last night and today she started uploading the same story over and over, obviously trying to get me to look at it because every time she adds it Snapchat notifies me. I refuse to look at it, but I can see from the thumbnail it's her trying on a wedding dress. No surprise there.

My question is why is she so determined to now let me know she's engaged? She was obviously trying to keep or secret before and keep me apart from all that, why the sudden change? Does she think this will make me want her? Lol if so what a weird train of logic

Also share stories of sleeping with engaged women, either through ignorance or not caring. Let's here em, lads