I am not a mod, I am just active here. This is a rant, but I'll stand behind it.

There's been a lot of irritating, repetitive topics on AskTRP lately. It's all basics that guys here should already know. So this is for all you new guys who ask the same questions over and over that could be answered by either lurking for a few days or using the search function.

How Do I Introduce My Bro/Friend to The Red Pill?

You don't. You are not a missionary. You are not a sales rep. TRP does not need you forcing the pill down somebody's throat.

TRP can only be internalized by those who want to wake up. This usually comes as a result of heartbreak or extreme disappointment. Some guys will wake up eventually. Others will continue to ignore the truth because they can't handle it. The best you can do is to represent TRP by being an example. Improve, learn, approach, and if a buddy asks you, "How do you do it, bro?" drop a few nuggets of wisdom. But don't take the podium and give a sermon. Definitely don't talk to women about it.

TRP is ebola for your social life. It's a controversial topic, and talking about it in social settings will do nothing but harm. The minute some social justice warrior or plugged in beta gets the idea that you're a misogynist woman-hater, you become a target. People talk, and your reputation becomes suspect. Just smile, nod, and know that you have the ace up your sleeve.

Which reminds me...

How Do I Deal With Feminists?

You don't. Amused mastery. Don't get drawn into arguments or debates. Don't post in TwoX, TheBluePill, AskWomen, or any of the other shitty subs because it's a waste of time. You won't change anybody's mind by arguing. Certainly don't engage these people in person, because you'll get nowhere and be labeled a rapist in training.


She is not a "plate" unless she is a regular. That girl you hooked up with last weekend and won't hear from again? She's not a plate, she's a one night stand. Some girl you want to bang but don't know how to lock down? She's not a plate, she's a prospect. Girl in class that you slept with once a few weeks ago and now won't return your texts? You have oneitis and you probably went too beta. She's not a plate, she was a hookup, and your game needs work.

Don't Shit Where You Eat

Don't fuck women you work with. Period. Don't even ask, none of the veterans here are going to give you the go-ahead. The only ones who will should shut the fuck up and lurk more.

No piece of ass is worth risking your livelihood, whether you're a barista or an executive.

On Posting Here

Use correct grammar and separate your wall of text into paragraphs. Don't waste our time.

And whether you realize it or not, the way you communicate will influence the way people think about you. This goes for every social interaction, not just AskTRP.

Confidence, or Why Am I Pussy Repellant?

There have been several posts lately from guys who want to bitch and complain about women not giving them attention. The common trend here seems to be rooted in a total lack of self-confidence. Some points:

  • Don't tie your self worth to women or pussy, first of all.
  • Confidence comes from being satisfied with your own life. You could hit the gym 7 days a week and make a six figure income, but women can smell your insecurity a mile away. Be a man, have goals and work towards them.
  • Focus on and improve yourself so that your confidence comes naturally, the women will follow.
  • It's not a sprint, it's a marathon. Improvement takes time, keep going.

And then there's this guy. Don't be that guy.


She's not being receptive, she's the one that got away, how do I get back at her?

You don't. Move on. Abundance mentality solves all these problems.

She doesn't belong to you. It was just your turn.

I'm sure there's more, but this covers most of what I've seen in the last week or two.

To the guys here who continue to post solid advice, keep it up. These guys need you. To the guys who lurk for a week and get a boner over a few upvotes on a post, don't get ahead of yourself. There's been a lot of crap advice being thrown around here lately that doesn't add much to the conversation. Don't give advice based on what you've read, give advice based on what you've personally experienced. TRP isn't about being a redpill scholar, it's about putting it into practice.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled circlejerks.