So here we are with solid science about how women work, demonstrable results for many men, and lots of information online confirming it all. We have this age old question which is what really got us to where we are today. It dates back to when life became easy and men wanted women to be more than dumb housewives.

We thought giving them the right to vote would get them interested in politics and then we could have intellectual discussions about that. We let them into universities for the same reason. We invented all sorts of appliances to make their housework easier. The list goes on and on. In response what did women do? Get their hair and nails done, spend their time shopping, read fashion magazines, etc.

Fast forward to today and now they've got their degrees, voted in their policies, used their appliances, etc. Instead of becoming better women they've become shitty men. Talking politics with these women is awful. Their degrees and careers are simple and boring. They're fat and lazy. They consume excessively. They're spoiled and narcissistic. The list goes on and on.

This is the new paradigm for men. Some guys go their own way and withdraw all resources from women, some take the purple pill and go with a trad-con woman, some fuck all the hoes, etc. Nothing changes. The women keep demanding more and men keep getting put off.

It's not as if women don't know this too. They're actively running interference getting us banned and all that jazz. Using social engineering to get men to marry fat sluts, single mothers, etc. Cancel culture, #metoo, stuff like that. It's almost as if they're at war with us.

And now cometh the "red pill aware" women. The reformed hoes, reformed feminists, trad-cons, born again virgins, moms of sons, etc. They all start out with good intentions but ultimately try to prescribe trad-con marriage with monogamy, putting men back on the plantation.