Happy New Years fellow closed-minded extremists and vitriolic toxic basement dwellers alike! Today we kick off what will likely be yet another cancerous year (not trying to be pessimistic, just following the pattern here) by having a nice refresher of the basics (well, some of them). This semi-refresher comes to us courtesy of some incredible galaxy-brained blogger who has pulled out some agitprop, fresh from the oven (less than a week old), on the subject of WAATGM itself.

For reference: https://archive.is/8GCCg

Now I'd like to preface this by saying two things. One, someone mentioned they'd enjoy if I analyzed this, which is why this is here, but to be frank: I don't think this requires it. The whole insufferable vomit pile linked above is rife with all the clichees and deflections and strawmen you've seen a thousand times and have been highlighted and explained a thousand times more. However, I'll do this anyhow for the sake of edutainment, as it were. Never know how many new bright and twinkly-eyed lads are finding their way out of the Matrix, so it always is nice to plant some signposts. Two, I'd like to grant perspective by saying that the author of this article, a male, has also written another article explaining how important it is to take a stand against "No Simp September." Bounce around the site looking at nothing but headlines and you immediately know exactly the sort of "man" this person is. I don't say that as an ad hominem (arguments are forthcoming), I just want you to brace yourself for maximum shaming-language limp-wristed spineless white knighting that is about to occur. He's an 11/10 on the ally-meter.

I would like to simply pick out the juicy bits here and there and save myself time but the truth is I really should respond to all that requires a response in here. This may take some time (more of mine than yours, for sure) so grab a sandwich if you're interested in continuing. Or demand that your woman make and bring you one, you evil woman-hater, you.

Inside the Forum Obsessed With Proving That Women’s Standards Are Too High

Shaming language. I'm not going to expound on examples like the above, someone else can explain what and why shaming language is so often used by females (and effeminate, feminist-friendly or feminine-thinking males) for manipulation and deflection. My point is that when these pop up I will only point them out as shaming language and then move on. This should communicate to you that the author is attempting to vilify something by using implications and pejoratives rather than explain objections on relatively objective grounds. As per above, "obsessed" is shaming language (and also a pretty stupid charge; you could easily say all subs are "obsessed" with their subject matter, that's the point of a sub; the author is a moron).

But some straight men, frustrated by their options, decide that only women do this.

Misrepresentation. No, not only women do this. Women do, however, absolutely do this at a far greater frequency than men. This is for several reasons. One: a woman is constantly seeking to obtain a mate who is at or above her "level." As a general rule, women do not "date down." If she perceives a man as beneath her, she doesn't consider him. Two: social propagation of the idea in modernity that females are amazing princesses that deserve to have their cakes and eat them too. One oft-quoted example, so as not to lend credence to the idea that aforementioned claim is some spurious mysogynist myth, is Sheryl Sandberg, who advocated in her book that women do just that. Three: social media has absolutely warped women's innate sense of importance. Online, your average male gets virtually no attention. Your average female can get orders of magnitude more by posting alluring images of herself. This artificially inflates her ego in a system comprised of near limitless feedback, and it does nothing to his (correction: makes him more depressed, most likely). This isn't inherently the "fault" of anyone but the cogs in the instinct machine; however, evolution never developed our psychology to deal with the social dynamism of the internet.

Whatever, we're not going down that road, it's been what, two sentences? And I'm already writing a dissertation. Someone stop me.

To agents of the manosphere, however, this kind of thing is deadly serious, and there’s a whole wing of the subculture built around the idea that it’s not a limited phenomenon but the devastating norm.

Whether it's a "norm" is debatable. I suppose that would depend on your definition of norm. It most certainly is, beyond a doubt, very widespread on anything social media related, and for the last reason mentioned above, far worse now than it has ever been in history. Now if "norm" means >51% of women genuinely think like this, there isn't any easy way to prove that one way or another. I will, however, point out the classic OKCupid graph of all women believing that 80% of men are average or below. Do all or most women have absolutely insane standards? Probably not, maybe, who knows. Do all or most women have standards greater than their actual value relative to the same standards by men of the same value? Yes.

where guys mock women for using the apps to seek out partners of decent pedigree

He's contradicting himself. Not that you needed another nail in the coffin of someone who's clearly intellectually dishonest with his own axe to grind, but nonetheless: he literally says in the preceding sentence that WAATGM thinks women with insane standards are "the norm," and then claims in the next one that WAATGM is mocking women who only seek reasonable partners. Pick a lane, Miles. You're an embarrassment.

calling them gold diggers, entitled princesses and trashy, used-up sluts

We'll skip the obvious subtext that you think we say this about all women everywhere for all occasions and get to a better question: are you going to say that such women as described above don't exist? Because if I were using your style of argumentation and rhetoric, that's what I would say about you. Miles thinks all women everywhere are perfect angels who never seek to exploit men. Die by the sword, as they say.

WAATGM blends a few strands of manosphere lore to construct a mythical narrative.

Yes, our narrative is mythical, but yours isn't. And you know this, how, exactly? The strength of your belief? You view WAATGM as a cultish indoctrination center, and you think your little ideological bubble hasn't molded you like soft clay in exactly the same fashion? Of course, you're educated and enlightened, Miles, and we're the close minded rubes whose viewpoints you need to misrepresent in order to strengthen your claims.

This, according to the subreddit, is when those women will turn to apps like Tinder and ask, “Where are all the good men?” The forum is obsessed with this turn in the narrative — a promised comeuppance and humiliation for anyone who rejected them in the past.

Shaming language. Moving past that, no, there is no "promised" comeuppance. The sub exists for the merriment of those who enjoy seeing said comeuppance happen to those it does. He's putting the cart before the horse here. There are consequences for all actions; some will escape those consequences and many will not. WAATGM exists to post the results of those who have been in denial of the consequences of their actions a long time coming. If you repeatedly reject everyone "beneath" you and keep choosing very poor relationship material, things generally are not going to work out for you in the long run, and WAATGM documents that. Never mind that plenty of our own members have personally experienced women in their lives, who previously rejected them, circling back around after a decade or two.

Outside this spiteful community, most of us understand that men without washboard abs and six-figure salaries get along fine in the dating pool

Shaming language and also another strawman. For an average man, "getting along fine" means a fraction of the number of relationships/encounters that an average woman will have. It is likely that this has been the case for most of human history, but it's especially true now with a very wide gap in disparity. How would you know whether men are "getting along fine," Miles?

otherwise there would be far fewer couples.

That's your metric? Guess what, Miles? There ARE fewer couples! Where have you been? Were you not around a year ago when the spree of articles got confetti'd by media outlets about the "lack of marriageable men"? Marriage rates declining, fertility dropping, men withdrawing from relationships (or in some cases, society) altogether when they're unable to find someone? Or are you going to doubt your fellow leftists? Here:




Undoubtedly there's some dungheap in Salon or Vox somewhere on the same subject but I'm not scraping through those to find more of the same, you get the idea. And hey, remember when Henry Cavill, a solid 10/10 gentlemanly Chad, said he was leery of even flirting with anyone and that bothered a whole lot of women?


Guess why that triggered so many ladies. It's because he's a prime example of the man they want, and even such a man was "nope"ing his way out of things. Yes, Miles, there are fewer couples, and fewer kids being born, and fewer risks being taken to flirt with new prospects, and a whole list of other things that indicate dating as a whole is circling the drain compared to the good ol' days. And to really drive the point home, this guy has a hilarious video with further sources:


Please do note that said video, with over 400k views, is chock full of all the sort of "dangerous" evil nonsense you purport WAATGM to be full of, some of them with 1-2 thousand likes. This isn't some "mythical narrative," Miles, and it's not very allyship-ish of you to doubt your fellow progressives' articles.

What makes WAATGM so damaging is that it takes a handful of profiles as evidence of intrinsic female greed, promiscuity, narcissism and haughtiness.

Shaming language again. Also, a handful? When's the last time you booted up one of the apps, Miles? Credibility is already flaky here, but yes, such things are indeed evidence of "intrinsic" female qualities. They're certainly not extrinsic, and if the semantics of your words aren't matching your syntax, then perhaps attempting to write professionally isn't a worthy aspiration for you.

Meanwhile, these guys attack real women for much less, like the temerity to use Bumble while raising a family or having the wrong sort of body.

Strawman again. That alone is not enough; she must be as described and have unreasonable expectations/desires relative to what she brings to the relationship. One does not wind up on WAATGM through a single criterion, but let's not pretend this guy cares about honesty.

but her mere existence and desire for affection isn’t a sign that all women are consistently aiming out of their league

No, it isn't. It's strange that this dude will get fairly close to an accurate description of things in a few spots, and in other spots he's got nothing but one misrepresentation after another. Guess it's hard to sell lies without nuggets of truth.

presents a clear pipeline from general dissatisfaction with dating apps to misogynist extremism.

Shaming language. Someone start keeping a tally, I'm getting tired.

Also, no, it's not dissatisfaction from dating apps, you imbecile, it's dissatisfaction that society lies to men constantly about what women want and what men should do in order to court them and be great, desirable partners. Men follow this terrible advice, get terrible or no results, and then get frustrated. Dissatisfaction stems from the enormous gulf between what women say they want and what they actually respond to.

but soon you’re exposed to vicious commentary that lays all the blame for this on women, as if men have no unreasonable standards or flaws of their own.

This is so flat-out moronic I don't even need to explain why. Actually, I think the sub's own sidebar does it for me somewhere, but hey, he's a blogger, not a journalist. Haha, just kidding, New Year's joke! Those are the same thing.

The page even smuggles in a racist trope here and there

It has nothing to do with "racism." If you date a woman who has a child, and that child's skin color isn't remotely close to yours, everyone will know it isn't your child. For many men, that's further baggage and silent judgment they simply won't wish to deal with, and it does nothing but further highlight how such a man is coming in "second place." A man will be even more unwilling to enter a relationship with a woman when he can't even pass off the kid as his own to strangers, which makes demands or requests for bailouts by such mothers even more anathema. Everyone will know the child isn't his. Miles is correct about one thing: the pressure to provide for a child that isn't his absolutely does exist for any single mother looking for commitment. That should be obvious.

None of this contempt and ridicule can mask the misery of the 87,000 men who subscribe to WAATGM.

Shaming language. Put it on the board, Johnny. (yawn)

They tell themselves they’re reveling in the joy of seeing women brought low, but they are the ones desperately scouring the web for anyone whose circumstances will make them feel superior — and that’s about as low as you can get.

Hahaha, what a quote. No sir, I certainly couldn't use this little gem in any sort of applicable use against the exact kind of people like Miles, could I? Nope, I've whipped out my metal detector and it has picked up absolutely no trace of irony whatsoever. You're in the clear, buddy! No hypocrisy or projection here, I assure you. (as an aside, you really don't need to "scour" -- as we established, dating apps are rife with these examples)

What can you hope to gain by sharing yet another tweet from a “thot” who says she prefers guys over six feet tall?

You gain understanding. When you begin to stack up so many examples of the same thing that separate what women say and what women do, it explains why so many men have failed in getting what they want out of relationships, and hopefully, allows men to fix that by making a choice: becoming attractive to women, or opting out altogether. The conventional wisdom of how to approach relationships was misguided in decades prior, but now with mainstream information and the Overton window dictated by the feminine imperative and its zombies like Miles, it's woefully, atrociously inaccurate. You begin to search for real answers about what women actually want and respond to, and begin to understand what needs to happen in order to actually become desirable and get what they desire, themselves. For some men, this is achievable, and they set about doing it. For others, it's achievable and simply not worth the effort relative to the benefits. For some, it isn't achievable, and after some time coming to terms with the anger of society having lied to them their entire lives, they accept it and decide to simply not date or marry, going with either prostitutes, sex dolls, or nothing at all.

Here's the bottom line: there is reality, and then there is your perception of it. The farther away your perception of reality gets from what reality actually IS, the worse things are going to be for you, unless someone or something insulates you from the consequences of your incorrect perception. WAATGM does two things simultaneously: takes the piss out of women whose perceptions have been out of whack for so long that reality catching up is wildly amusing, and exposing reality to men whose perceptions have been distorted by society so that they can make corrections.

This applies in all areas of life: dealing with wildlife, social policy, international relations, physics, etc. People go to places like WAATGM and MGTOW because their perceptions of reality aren't matching reality and they get frustrated with being unable to understand why that is. People like Miles take another tack and desperately wish more and more severely as time goes on that reality is the way they believe it to be, withdrawing and retreating into sympathetic echo chambers that assure them that things are indeed this way. Miles has his own "mythical narrative" in his head about what people like us are like, what we think and believe, why we are this way, stuck in our bubble; he doesn't have the self awareness or wherewithal to understand that he is exactly the same as what he thinks we all are. Perhaps one day, his reality will catch up to his perception.