Disclaimer: I did not write this. The man that did posted it in r/MGTOW and subsequently deleted it after a few days. I felt his well articulated insight was genuine and provides a somewhat lesser known understanding of how women approach the more attractive males in society and why even those men are giving up on relationships all together.

Former Chad here. I was lucky enough to learn these harsh truths when I was still a young man. The hordes of women who were throwing themselves at me when I was Mr Popular were the same chicks who sneered at me a few years later once the game changed and I lost much of my status. None of the chicks I was banging left right and center had any interest in me as a person. They were in love with my looks and popularity and wanted to be with me to raise their own social status by association. Women love nothing more than being that chick with the hottest guy around on her arm so she can rub it in the face of every other bitch.

This is something that most men don't understand. Women are no more interested in men as people than men are in women. Men want women for sex. Without the sex men have no interest. Young women want men for status and older women want men for status and resources. Without these women have no interest. The main reason women with their own money still want to get married in 2018 is because marriage still gives women a higher social status among other women. It's all about being better than the next bitch. Men are just tools to achieve this. The beta buxs dynamic is the more obvious and familiar to most men who've never been chads. No need to elaborate on that. There are some misconceptions about the chad dynamic that need rectifying.

Firstly, as an apex chad you don't have to try to get women at all. I can't emphasize this enough. All this pua strategy stuff is for wannabes. When you're a true chad you'll know it because women come to you. You don't have to lift a finger. You don't even need to talk in some cases which is fine because women aren't interested in anything men have to say anyway. In fact the more you talk the more likely it is that they'll start to see you as a real person with faults and flaws and be turned off. Women don't want a real person. They want a fantasy. The less you say the easier it is for them to project their fantasy of who they perceive you to be or want you to be. This is why one word text message responses work far better than detailed replies. This is the real reason women love 'mysterious' men and why the number one female fantasy is being fucked by a stranger. Much of the sex I had as chad in nightclub toilets and other such places involved little to no talking. It was all eye contact and body language.

Drama and fighting with chad relationships is par for the course. Partly because women have a love hate relationship with power. They're attracted to powerful men but secretly hate being 'powerless' to resist this attraction. But it's mainly because the more she gets to know you the more she realizes you're just another flawed human being and not Mr Perfect fantasy man. This is when her attraction dies. A woman I was banging once walked in on me taking a dump. I'll never forget the look on her face. Pure horror and disgust. This was a chick who'd worshiped me. But accidentally seeing me on the toilet changed everything. It ruined her fantasy of me. Women hate reality because much of it is dirty, messy and ugly. That's why they filter, make up and airbrush everything from their bodies to their sexual histories.

Every woman wants to be the star of her own life movie. This is why they'll never be satisfied with anything. Even the biggest chads become boring after a while. An old flame once explained it to me very simply. She said women want what they can't have and as soon as they get it they don't want it anymore. When it's no longer a challenge to get chad's attention he's no longer interesting to them.

Happy stable relationships haven't been possible for a long time. Online dating and social media have only exposed this truth. Women are drowning in attention from thirsty men worldwide. Being the local jerk boy chad won't cut it anymore and anything more than casual sex is too much work anyway. The time and energy you need to expend on maintaining frame in a relationship is exhausting. Women will expect you to be 'on' the whole time and will constantly shit test for any hint of weakness. The moment she sees your flaws she'll be chasing the next chad.

Men are much better off not dealing with any of this bullshit. Focus on self improvement and go your own way.