Summary: As sure as a woman will spread her legs for a man who gives her the tingles, so are there idiots on AskTRP who cohabitate or are asking for advice on cohabitation. Don't fucking do it. If you are already cohabitating, move out(or kick her out) before you are done reading this sentence.

There is a reason we stress the principle of NO COHABITATION.

It's not a guideline that we feel is optional.

It's not just a suggestion.

We don't say it for the sake of saying it.

It's a tentpole principle of being a red pilled man.

Way too often on AskTRP I either see:

  • Some idiot who comes on asking for advice on cohabitation with his LTR.

  • Some idiot who is wondering why he is having trouble with his LTR, and the fact that he is cohabitating with her is made known.

All I can do is shake my head. It's way too common. Seriously, there needs to be some kind of easily accessible material on the sidebar that stresses why cohabitation is bad because these idiots come on here floating the idea like its not such a bad idea. Hey, maybe they can make it work.

What really pisses me off is when someone comes on asking for cohabitation advice, and we say don't cohabitate, and the hamster wheels start spinning.

  • "We can make this work, I am confident!"

  • "This girl is different, you see"

  • "I know what I am doing. As long as I hold frame and stick to RP principles, I will be fine"

  • "I wouldn't be doing this if I thought it were a bad idea"

  • "I really trust her and I feel like its time we take that next step"

  • "She needs somewhere to live, I don't want her out on the streets!"

  • "It's not like I am providing for her, we are splitting everything 50-50! No free ride!"

You retard. I don't give a fuck what your excuses are, or what your justification is, or why YOUR CASE will be an exception and why things will be different from you. We have hundreds of me here on TRP and in the manosphere who can provide actual accounts of cohabitating with their LTR and it tanking their relationship. The number of guys who will say it was a bad idea is orders of magnitude higher than the number of guys who said it was a good idea.

You can hamster all you want, it won't change the fact that its a bad fucking idea.

Then you have the idiots who are having LTR issues, then says they are cohabitating, and we tell them to move out/kick her out ASAP, and once again the hamster wheel starts to spin.

  • "What am I supposed to do, throw her out in the street?"

  • "We signed the lease together and its not up until XXX date"

  • "It's just not that easy..."

  • "But me moving out will basically mean we are breaking up and I don't want that"

  • "I think we can make it work if we overcome this snag"

  • "Cohabitating hasn't been an issue up until now"

And my favorite:

  • "Well I have no where else to go, its her place and I just crash there with her"

The quicker you move out or kick her out, the quicker you can get back on the path to being your own man, and gaining the power back in the relationship. If you break up because you move out or kick her out, the LTR was built on a weak foundation and was doomed anyway. It doesn't matter if you have pay an early termination fee on a lease, call the sheriff and have her evicted, or crawl over broken glass, you need to either move out or kick her out NOW. And if you are one making that last excuse, "It's her place and she is letting me live there", you need to end the LTR and focus on getting YOUR shit together. Get a job, get your own place. For the love of God don't use an LTR for resources. That's what women do. Are you a woman? Men are not dependent on someone else, especially another woman. If you don't have a job(or a good enough one to have your own place) you don't have time for an LTR or to be chasing women period. Sorry.

So why do we say don't cohabitate? There are two reasons.

The first reason is dread.

If you have any experience with what TRP is, you know what dread is. Dread is how you keep leverage in any relationship. Dread is the constant fear she has in her mind that you are a high value man with options, and can dump her ass for another woman at any time. Therefore, she will do what it takes to remain in your favor and be the main woman in your life.

Cohabitating with a woman makes it near impossible to run dread. You no longer have leverage. Think of it this way: Cohabitation is one giant comfort test. Once you are living together, you have failed that comfort test. She now has you by the ballsack. You might as well put your testicles in a vice. Once you fail a comfort test, she has all the leverage. She will stop putting out as often. She will start denying you sex. She will stop pulling her own weight. She will become more bitchy and naggy. She will respect you less. She will exert less effort making herself as attractive as possible for you. And why should she try to make you happy? She knows she has you by the balls. All because you chose to live together.

It's hard to keep a woman up at night with the thought running in her mind that you may have another woman over at your place, when you are there sleeping right next to her.

The second reason is freedom.

This is what men strive for. Freedom. Men want freedom, women want access. As a man, there is nothing better than being completely free. Being financially free. Being addiction free. Being free to do whatever the fuck you want, when you want.

Cohabitating with a woman? Kiss your freedom goodbye. You no longer have the freedom to come home from work and do what the fuck you want. You no longer have the freedom to be by yourself at home and unwind. You no longer have the freedom to go out when you want and do what you want. Each time you leave the house you have to check in with your woman and say where you are going and why and for how long and when you will be back. You no longer have the freedom to cook/eat what you want, when you want to.

What if you have a hard day and just want to go home and be by yourself? You now have no where to escape to. You have no personal space to go to. What if shit goes bad with your LTR? You have no where to go to get away from her and be alone.

As someone who lives by myself in my own apartment, this just sounds miserable. I think men take being able to do whatever the fuck they want, when they want, and not having to answer to anybody, I feel like men take that for granted. It truly is amazing. This weekend I might go skiing. I might not. But simply having the option without having to make plans and check in/clear it with someone and without having to bring her along and such, is awesome. Just being able to wake up, make the decision that morning, and get up and go if I want to, is amazing.

What's basically happening, when you cohabitate with a woman you aren't married to, is making yourself the son to her mother. It's a mother-son dynamic. Good luck with that.

Conclusion: Don't fucking cohabitate with a woman you aren't married to. We say this shit for a reason.

Edit: Very strong hamstering in the replies. Looks like the cohabitation hamstering isn't limited to AskTRP.