Testosterone is a primary male sex hormone. It is the substance which makes nearly all male animals so distinctive from their female counterparts.

It makes lion’s hair grow and it makes feathers of peacocks so beautiful and colorful. Testosterone is what makes men men - naturally taller, more muscular and stronger. But there is something about testosterone, which you’re not probably told about very often. This substance also affects your aggression, confidence, what you’re interested in, and what your body language looks like.

Simply put, testosterone affects your brain.

There’s a reason, why have men have always been leaders and protectors of the family and women have always taken care of the children. And there’s a reason, why the same role of leading male and caring female is natural for wolves, horses, lions and the majority of other mammals.

The reason is testosterone – hormone which affects your brain and makes it work completely different than a female brain. There of course other hormones, who affect your behavior, but testosterone has the biggest effect.

This law of the jungle still worked in our modern concrete jungles, which we call cities until 1970’s, when feminists started to gain the upper hand and this natural balance changed. What hasn’t changed is that humans are still biologically very, very simillar to humans 10 000 years ago. They’re still the same sexually distinctive creatures as in the Neolithic era.

The moment your brain starts differentiate from the female brain, begins very, very early. Since the time every guy was in his mother’s womb, he was constantially under influence of testosteone.

„When an embryo is formed, it isn’t possible to identify its gender. Simply put, both male and female embryo looks the same for the first few weeks. But after about 8 weeks, something very interesting occurs in a male embryo. The male embryo gets flooded with testosterone and other hormones, it immediately starts to develop its reproductive system and completely differentiates from the female embryo. This is called a 1st stage of development. Second stage of development occurs from 6th month of pregnancy to about 4 months after the birth. The male brain goes through a process called „masculinization“, which irreversibly changes its structure and the brain becomes masculine.

These changes in the brain structure give us answers to questions like:

Why boys are more interested in cars and girls in dolls?

Why do men completely dominate engineering, science and mathematical fields despite decades of feminist effort?

And why most of politicians, presidents and leaders are men?

The masculinization of the brain is very complex and largely unexplored, therefore I’ll show you only major differences between the male and female brain here. I’ll keep it nice and simple:

  • On average, the male brain has significantly more connections between nerve cells than the female brain.

  • On average, the male brain also has a higher percentage of gray and white matter.

  • Again, on average, the adult male brain has a bigger amygdala and hypothalamus. These two brain centers are involved in fear and danger. The reason, why men are more assertive and fearless, is because these areas are enlarged in male brain. This allows men to act, not hide in a corner, when stressed.

  • There’s also evidence that the male brain is more system driven. While females are more interested in faces and socialization,a big percentage of men are literally obsessed with systems. This is the reason, why there are so many guys who are crazy about cars, engineering, math, science and programming.

It should be noted, that the changes in the brain above are permanent. They are also just a tip of an iceberg, the male and female brain supposedly have more than 100 differences.

Once the brain is „masculinized“, you will always feel like a man, and be testosterone driven for the rest of your life. When the brain isn’t masculinized, the brain stays „feminime“ and it is estrogen driven. You can’t just change gender of a boy by putting him in a pink dress or by cutting girl’s hair and giving her boy toys.

Someone already tried it, and it did not work out as planned. This means that gender is not a social construct, and never will be. And this means feminists will never build the society they want, because they simply ignore biological facts. As simple as that.

EDIT: Someone asked for a sources, so here are some, which may prove my point: https://www.edge.org/conversation/simon_baron_cohen-testosterone-on-my-mind-and-in-my-brain http://www.crossdreamers.com/2012/08/the-story-about-viktor-and-viktoria-and.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuroscience_of_sex_differences

EDIT2: There are dozens of you, who don't understand, what am I trying to prove. So first of all, read the sources I provided, before you comment. There is plenty of evidence in the second article about the role of testosterone on the brain development. Althought I couldn't find any invidual studies, the guy in the article has studied "masculinization" of the brain for decades. He's reputable enough, to not call his research "broscience".

Secondly, feminists, mainly in Scandinavia, try to convince people, that what what gender you're interested in, how you behave like, and what your interests are, depends solely on the way you're raised. They believe that you can raise a girl as a boy and she will be okay with it. But that's not how it works - take a look at the article 3. And this post is aimed debunk this theory. Men and women should not be forced to do jobs, which they are not interested in. Women should not supress masculinity of young boys, because that's what they just biologically are.