The leaps and bounds that the human mind will go through in an attempt to rid itself of painful knowledge is both frightening and amazing at the same time. This process, known as cognitive dissonance, is so amazing that even awareness of the process itself cannot stop it from occurring. We are sometimes simply powerless over our own inner workings.

This week I witnessed an empowering example of a feminist melting down in /r/theredpill. So amazing was this example, in its ability to encompass all which is wrong with the backlash against the manosphere, that I felt it necessary to immortalize it. Let's take a look at some of the warp speed hamstering a young feminist can endure when faced with a world view that strikes so perpendicularly against her own (my comments in [bold] ).

"Wrong. You are assuming that women are using the same fucked-up mentality - trying to "game" people out of something for their own satisfaction - that you are [None of us ever said women were consciously running game, as a matter of fact I think most of them are completely unaware of their inner hamsters. And to appease the PC Gods, I also think most men are unaware of game and seduction concepts as well. Keep your words out of my mouth please.] You got it right - they're not thinking about it. In reality, they are operating under cultural teachings that were passed onto them from the media and society [Yes, and this is part of the problem. Those teachings are driven by male sexual shaming and "grrl power" bullshit, something many of us would like to change.] You are the ones strategizing - they are just trying to live their lives [Are you suggesting that the solution to the problem is to simply ignore it? This would be disastrous in my opinion.] Do they occasionally do things that are not very nice to other people? Of course, don't you? But that's not an excuse to vilify an entire part of the human population and turn them into a game, a series of objects to be played, without feeling or emotion [Vilify an entire part of the human population… you mean like how women have vilified men and male sexuality to the point where sneezing on a woman can almost result in rape charges?] This world is NOT us vs them and we will never progress as a species until we stop teaching each other and our children that we need to manipulate and exploit each other to get ahead. [Game isn't about psychological manipulation; it's about gaining a biological edge on the competition through self-improvement and understanding simple truths. Burying our heads in the sand and ignoring the knowledge to be gained will not get us closer to progression as a species.]"

"I don't disagree with that statement, but I don't think that's at ALL what this subreddit is doing. This is not by any means a real collection of psychological learnings [Nothing in theredpill will come close to getting our feminist dominated society's stamp of approval when the truths we expose strike at the very heart of that which determines what is real and what is not. This is a mute point backed by nothing of substance or even a shred of evidence.] Everywhere I look is rampant generalizations and total falsehoods about the "nature of women" [Again, nothing more than ranting on your part backed by nothing. You gave no quotes, no links, and no attempt to converse about the truths which you seek to correct. This is akin to a child throwing a tantrum, screaming, kicking and crying on the floor while the onlookers wait for the silence that follows.] Trying to paint all women or men in the same light is insane! Go read up on your neurology - human traits, impulses, tendencies and beliefs almost all operate on sliding scales that are influenced by genetics and upbringing [Again no quotes and no substance, just an echo of me me me me me. You're such an intelligent woman who can open our eyes to this truth, but have yet to provide us with any evidence of its existence.] Saying that people fit into tiny little boxes is insane and not true. I can find you a billion exceptions for every mental "rule" you create [Again, you're placing words into our mouths. Simply because we attempt to create a model of this world with rules, principles and truths, doesn't make them any less valid. Insanity would be the exact opposite in fact, repeating the same process and expecting a different outcome.] ."

"This entire subreddit and the blogs it links to are a bunch of armchair psychologists trying to cut women into little shapes they can better understand [When universities start offering degrees in red pill science a lot of the guys in this community will be the professors. Until then, we will simply have to continue our work without a nice degree to back it up.] They don't sound like stupid people, but they absolutely sound like they are taking a huge dollop of confirmation bias with a splash of bad past experiences to create a world where they are the victim, and where there is a path to victory that puts them back in the seat of power. [It's interesting that you give nothing of substance to support any of your arguments, and then proceed to accuse us of confirmation bias, despite the fact that we regularly find scientific research to back up our claims.] "

"Read the first paragraph here: and tell me that confirmation bias is not a bad thing when you're seeking the truth [Funny, I had just created a post about confirmation bias and how it prevents truths from being discovered right before you threw this little temper tantrum.] . It is ignoring and skewing evidence to the contrary in order to support your pre-defined beliefs [This is exactly what confirmation bias is. Thank you for providing us such a wonderful example of its power.] It is twisting and creating your own reality - the opposite of what you say you're trying to do. If you want to admit that the people here are living in a self-created world, then fine - but don't try to paint it as truth. [Again, backup your words with substance. Many of us have been in this community for a long time and have made many thousands of references to scientific works validating many of these ugly truths you wish to hide from. We want nothing but the truth, no matter how it makes us feel.] "

"Who is "dealing" the hand you talk about? Women? You think there is a council of women somewhere conniving to disenfranchise men and teaching the others? [Again, none of us said this is what has been happening, but there is a very real sexual market that we all participate in, and there are very real congressmen passing laws aiming to disenfranchise men. Burying your head even further doesn't change these truths.] No - the same society that is teaching women that their value is their looks [I know you don't want to hear it but female's are empowered with a very real sexual value, that is based almost completely on their looks. Ugly simple truths shouldn't be so difficult to understand.] and that they don't need to provide for themselves [Only the pretty ones don't need to do this hun, because a man will gladly provide for them, proving once again that female sex has a very high value attached to it. This isn't something society taught them, this is the reality of human nature.] is the same one teaching them to look down on men for petty reasons and treat them poorly [Society did create the growing problem of feminism, but not the previous two "problems" you mentioned, nice try.] They're suffering different consequences that are the symptom of the same thing. Instead of focusing on how the way to deal with this is to manipulate women for your own gain, the answer is to discard those shitty archaic ideas and find like-minded people who'd like to do it with you [The answer is far more complex than this, and applied seduction theory is nothing more than a natural reaction to unleashed female hypergamy. Feminism is the symptom of the very problem you seek to discredit. I know you'd like to have your cake and eat it too, but when the patriarch and concept of a nuclear family is destroyed there are consequences.] But that's not what it sounds like people here want, because not only do they want to have someone to blame, they want a way to justify being dominant and in power, out of some confirmed bias that tells them men were made to rule (at least in some of the scariest writings). [Men were made to rule, it's a simple part of our biological nature to seek status and power so we can create offspring and provide for them in the future, just as it is in a woman's nature to display her beauty in an effort to attract and create offspring with a powerful man.] "

"The "armchair psychologist" statement is my attempt to point out that this is the blind leading the blind [Again, please provide links and examples if you wish to discredit someone's ideas.] If you are going to formulate world views here, and "learn" from each other on how to view and understand the world, that's fine - peers and groups should do that in all walks of life. But don't try to come up with a bunch of totally unsupported theories [Our theories are very well supported and we link to that support constantly] and then accept them as fact because hey that kind of makes sense! and try to apply them to the real world. There is REAL psychology [We link to this REAL psychology you speak of as well, quite often in fact.] out there that you can fall back to. But I haven't seen any of it here yet! I don't have a problem with a bunch of people of any background trying to figure out the world - but once your theories start coming around to the degradation and a total lack of respect [The truth hurts, but the pain it causes won't make it go away.] for 50% of the population, you start scaring me [The truth should scare no one, but it's funny how often it scares feminists] . Your actions and words have real consequences and when you CHOOSE to de-humanize and treat women like sub-human [The truth makes it seem like we lack respect for women, but I'm sure most of us here cherish them every day. Men and women being different will always make it difficult to speak about one another in general terms, but those differences exist, and require our attention as well.] , or unworthy of respect, or like children or robots, you are doing all people a disservice. Hope someone doesn't do the same to you one day, when they think less of you. [Don't worry, I'm not so easily butthurt, and feminists like yourself do this to me on a daily basis, usually I ignore them, but in your case this was simply to juicy to pass up.] "

[(The full thread)](