The Problem: Tell Me How You Feel Goddamnit!

Now. A very core principle of the Red Pill is that women do not give men they like a hard time.

When they want some fuck, they make it rather easy to come by for you.

And this, for the most part, is true. However, you must realize that not all girls facilitate your lay in the same manner.

I think it particularly necessary to talk about ambiguity. Namely, girls whose feelings for you appear ambiguous.

One of my most major fuck ups as a young blue pilled betacuck was showing my emotions to women. I did this because they never spelled things out for me, so I would pour out my soul to them in order to provoke an admission of interest in me.

As a generally stoic, mysterious kind of guy also having been blessed with good looks, girls almost always showed signs of interest, until I, like a goddamn retard, sputtered out my secret confession of love to them.

When they were unaware of the way I saw them, they were quite evidently interested. But evidence wasn't enough for me. I needed a confession. A statement, if you will, detailing every minutia of their desire, and once I bared my heart, they become disgusted.

I'd done this far too many times before I realized how much it was screwing me over.

What I didn't realize was that I was a tall, agnostic, African American with a bad boy look and a rebel attitude trying to get at white traditionalist Christian girls whose parents would murder them for being in my general vicinity.

They were interested. But they weren't going to go screaming it from their rooftops with a megaphone.

Sometimes there is stigma surrounding you. Maybe you're a minority, maybe she's sworn chastity. Maybe her parents want her to get with that rich man named Jamesson. Maybe being too overt will make her look like a slut (or a nigger-lover.)

There is always something at stake, even if it's just her repututation.

Girls aren't always going to spell it out to you. So making a confession of love to try and drag her own, possibly subconscious feelings out of her is stupidity of the highest order.

In the majority of cases, just keep your damn mouth shut and escalate.

The Solution: Allowance is Compliance.

Don't get this confused with acquiescence. Acquiescence is when someone has no desire to be a part of something, but rolls over for fear of conflict or retaliation. If you had sex with a girl, and she acquiesced, congratulations, you're a rapist.

No, by allowance I mean implied permission.

If she hasn't stopped you from taking her hand and leading her to another part of the venue away from her friends, if she's still sitting across from you and hasn't walked away yet, if you kissed her and she didn't stop you, if you led her to your bed and she went with you into it.

What you have to understand is that if she does not want to be there, she will not be there. You aren't forcing her to do anything. If you took her hand and she didn't want to follow you, she'd have let go of your hand. If you went for the kiss, she would've said something before your lips connected.

A girl who likes you but cannot say so for a plethora of potential reasons will give you implied permission and will offer no resistance to your escalations. Sure, it's scarier this way. You can't guarantee the absence of the sting of rejection.

But this isn't middle school. We don't go "hey, I like you." We certainly don't say "you're absolutely beautiful and amazing and incredible in every way and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

She will run into traffic to get the hell away from you.

Another foundational Red Pill concept is to listen to a woman's actions, not her words. She may say "we shouldn't" or she may say nothing. If she says anything, (which she most likely won't) it doesn't matter. Her actions will speak plenty.

If she is compliant to you, she likes you. If she isn't, she doesn't.

In the same manner, show her you like her. Use subtle physical escalations. Be calibrated, and escalate incrementally until she stops you. If she doesn't stop you, congratulations, you just got laid.

Be a man and lead her. If she's into you she'll follow you. That's all the admission of interest you need.