Most of you have probably seen or at least heard about the story breaking over the last 24 hours, and that is the case of the "Affluenza Boy" being detained in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. I find this case, and particularly the media circus surrounding it, to be interesting, and it has led me to make two different observations that one could only make with a Red-Pill mindset.

First, a brief background on this case, courtesy of Wikipedia (emphasis mine):

Ethan Anthony Couch (born April 11, 1997) is an American who made national headlines at age 16 when he was prosecuted as a juvenile and convicted of four counts of intoxication manslaughter for recklessly driving drunk on June 15, 2013 in Burleson, Texaswhere he was speeding, lost control of his vehicle, plowed into a gathering of pedestrians and struck a parked car. Four people were killed and nine others injured, two suffering serious bodily injury as a result of the collision.[3]

In December 2013, Judge Jean Hudson Boyd sentenced Couch to 10 years of probation and subsequently ordered him to therapy at a long-term, in-patient facility,[4] after his attorneys successfully argued that the teen suffered from "affluenza" and needed rehabilitation instead of prison.

Observation 1: We now have an official name, a pseudo-psychiatric mental health term for what happens when boys are raised in the same entitled manner as girls: "Affluenza". Basically, the entire framework of this kids defense was, well....he was raised in the same manner as a girl: spoilt, entitled, lauded upon, encouraged in all endeavors (good and bad); essentially, well...devoid of all agency and accountability.

Does this sound like a certain gender we all know?

Anybody following the case knows this was basically the crux of the defense:

"Well, your honor, my client is a 16-year old entitled brat, and hasn't been held accountable for his actions up until now, so why should we start holding him accountable now?"

And guess what? The female judge agreed with the defense, and sentenced her him in the same manner that Judge Boyd would probably sentence her next door neighbor's daughter who happened to plow over and kill 4 people: 10 years supervised probation time, no prison time. Not a shortened sentence, not even the symbolic "suspended sentence" (which is where the judge at least announces a fake prison sentence before letting the offender walk out the front door). No, he got ZERO prison sentence.

Which leads me to my next observation:

Observation 2: When a young boy receives the ever-coveted Pussy Pass that is usually exclusively reserved for actual vagina operators, society loses its collective shit. What happened in this case really isn't anything all that remarkable; an entitled child used their entitled status to afford themselves pardon in the eyes of the criminal justice system. The only difference here is the protected class involved: rich male child (raised like an entitled girl) instead of just being an attractive young girl.

And now, society is even more shocked and appalled when young Miss Mister Ethan Couch, who just pulled off the male equivalent of flashing tits to get out of a speeding ticket, decides to celebrate his newly-found but ill-gotten favoritism the same way any college floozy would...

...he runs off to Mexico with his equally floozy mother for beer pong, pool parties, and just a general "Fuck You" to the same justice system that sucked his dick, and by the way, let's all rub it in everybody's face by having a big going away party before bolting for the land of Coronas and bad female Spring Break decisions.

It's going to be pretty interesting to see how women and feminists react to this whole fiasco. I mean, here's case where a young boy was finally treated the same way a young girl would be treated after plowing over and murdering four people. And now, after he runs off to Mexico in possession of the wrong genitals, now they are going to nail him to the wall and remind him to check his privilege.

After all, I suppose if you're rich enough, you can use your family's money to buy one Pussy Pass, but push your luck, and it's off to the land of regrets and dropped soaps.