"But 18 years later, when I divorced my husband, I had a successful writing career and some money in the bank. He got to take half of it. But it isn't even the fact that I had to give him half that I find so egregious. It's the alimony he demanded I pay him on top of it that makes me very, very angry—like scream-really-loud, get-drunk, and eat-gratuitous-carbohydrates angry."

"there is no reason on this earth why you should be penalized for your success by having to continue to support an ex-husband."

"When my divorce lawyer, Melanie, first told me that my ex was eligible for spousal support (the new way of saying alimony), I replied, "There's no way he would ever ask for that. That would be such a pussy move." She shook her head, looked at me across her desk, and said, "Every woman who's sat in that chair has said the same thing. Get ready, because he's going to ask for it.""

If you don't want to give them clicks.