Intro: I believe that videos are vitally necessary for the explanation of big picture TRP concepts and should be included in the sub and should the sub shutdown. As incredible as posts and the comments section can be, they can't replace the visual aspect and thoroughness of a clip. Below, are videos that every TRP member, newbie and veteran alike, is required to watch, except below the weightlifting section. Many of them have been sporadically shared here in this sub over the years, but now they're in one place. None of them are a substitution for the other. Videos have been backed up in case of censorship. Beware: intellectual burnout and anger phase relapse may occur. There's a comedy section at the end, I suggest you periodically dip in it for some relief, it can get depressing. A good laugh will be had. Enjoy.


Reminder: The merit of a message is not predicated on the character or extra curricular activities of the speaker.

The Plugged-in Won't Listen

[Arguing is Futile](

  • Video blogger shows how humans confront arguments. You do not enter with a blank slate, take information, then make a decision based on that information. You get a dopamine spike for denying another person's view that doesn't fit your ideology.

Alpha Fux Beta Bux

RSD Tyler Proves How Women Judge Men

  • Tyler goes into the club with a guy and tells him to say he's a dentist. Tyler plags the laid back cool guy. He shows that women do in fact place men in 'mental boxes', categories for roles they deem he would fit best. Tyler explains to the women what they did. They apologized upon their realization, they weren't even aware of what they're doing.

RSD Tyler Shows How Society Shames People into Boxes

  • Tyler explains how society, especially women put you into mental boxes and will shame you into staying their. It makes their world more predictable and comfortable. Betas get shamed the most.

RSD Tyler on Frame and Pre-Selection

Gender Equality Narrative

[Gender Studies is Nonsense (6 Part Series)](

  • "Comedian completely destroys every claim by the gender studies institute [Nordic Gender Institute aka NIKK] with proof from actual scientists, biologists, psychologists, etc. to the point where the state shuts it down." - /u/theVet


[Feminism Vs. Freedom of Speech](

  • Feminists pull fire alarm during men's rights meeting. They all clap and cheer at their sabotage. One of the leaders is interviewed.


[Female Firefighter vs Male (Not a Firefighter)](

  • A TV show hosts a basic firefighter course contest, men vs. women. The women (athletic build) can't even pass simple obstacles while the men have no problem. Is this the person you want to rely on saving you when trapped in a burning building?


[Should Women Be Police Officers?](

  • Not one, but two female police officers attempt to get a hold of male suspect and are embarrassed without the male even trying. Is this who you want chasing after criminals paid with your taxes? Patrice O'neil - "I let her arrest me"


1 Man vs 5 Women To Save Female Victim

  • Woman is attacked by gang of five girls, guy intervenes and wrecks shit. He's not even that big and tosses them around like they're nothing.


Women in Combat: Can't Cut the Mustard

  • Ex-Army Ranger shows statistics of physical ability, men vs. women + graphic reality of what happens when you're captured.

Rape Culture, Harassment, and Female Oppression Narrative

[The Truth About Rape Culture](

  • Videoblogger completely destroys the narrative of rape culture with government statistics and common sense.


What Affirmative Consent AKA "Yes Means Yes" Looks Like

  • This is a visual demonstration of how the Federal Government wants male students to conduct sexual activity every time they initiate sex, regardless of relationship status. Colleges don't show this video to their students.


Saying Hi = Harrassment

  • Video blogger deconstructs the NYC street video harassment video, completely destroying the narrative of rape culture and 'harassment' it was trying to perpetuate.


The 48 Privileges Exclusive to Women


What Patriarchy is, and Why it Comes to Be

Gender and Racial Wage Gap Narrative

[Do Women Earn Less?](

"Like other myths, this does have a kernel of truth to it. So for example, if you add up all the incomes of women and divide by the number of women in the labor force and then do the same thing for men, what you'll find is, on average, women do make about 75% of what men do. What's happening is not discrimination in the labor market, but differences in the choices that men and women make (about investing in their knowledge, their education, their skills, and their job experiences) that led to them getting paid different salaries."


How every company in America can save 23% on wages

  • Maddox takes a different approach to debunking the gender wage gap narrative.


[Thomas Sowell Dismantles Feminism and Racialism Narrative](

  • Woman host presents misleading facts about the corporate world in regards to racial and gender discrimination, Thomas destroys the narrative.


Milo Yiannopoulos Debates Wage Gap Narrative On Live TV With Two Females

  • Famous gay guy discusses the gender wage gap narrative with two females on live TV.

Barack Obama and Other Politicians Perpetuate Wage Gap Narrative (Not a left/right argument)

  • Given what you know about the wage gape narrative, why does a man with access to all the top experts of economics continue to perpetuate it?

Women are Wonderful Narrative

[Media Encourages Women to Deceive Men About Birth Control](

  • Audience member tells host that she wants a baby but her husband does not, and asks if she should stop taking birth control without telling him. The host says yes, and every woman in the audience agrees and applauds.


Three Girls Falsely and Publicly Accuse Taxi Driver of Sexual Assault and Harassment

  • Three girls didn't feel like paying $13 taxi fare, they asked for a pussypass. Taxi driver says no. Girls get mad and start crying rape when the exit the vehicle. The whole drive was recorded on camera.


Ex-gf Attempts to Frame Judge For Abuse by Throwing Herself out of the Car

  • Judge was cleared because he had it all on film. Other public cameras caught some action too.


13 Highschool Girls Conspire and Do Falsely Accuse Kid of Rape

  • He goes to jail for over a year based on no physical evidence. "He needs to be taught a lesson for being a player"


The Truth About Single Mothers

  • Videoblogger reveals the reality of single motherhood and how it is completely detrimental to society, specifically the black community. Our societal setup incentivizes this phenomenon.


[The Dangers of Dating a Single Mother](

  • Videoblogger talks about what it's like to date a single mother. Hint: Don't do it.

Indoctrination and Consumerism

Century of the Self (4 Part Series)

Like Darwin and his theory of evolution, Sigmund Freud's ideas about the subconscious controlling most of our lives was considered, 'radical', specifically those pertaining to sexuality. It was insulting to people's sensibilities and egos that they weren't in complete conscious control of their lives. And also like Darwin's critics, people didn't like being reminded that they were animals underneath it all.


A government official alive during the 1920's admits the government took a keen interest in Freud's ideas of the subconscious, and wanted to research on how to manipulate their citizen's minds without their conscious knowledge.


[History of Political Correctness](

  • European immigrant founders of Marxist Frankfurt school came to America to indoctrinate and take over its inhabitants with false narratives.



  • Ex-KGB intelligence officer exposes the reality of the intelligence community. Very little is done in espionage, while most work is done to indoctrinate the populace with narratives to such an extent, they will deny obvious facts.


[Academia is the New Church]( (by /u/bsutansalt)

  • Governments and the elite have learned that outright indoctrination and domination through the church and dictatorship are not as effective today, so they decided to be more subtle and indirect with the illusion of democracy and slowly indoctrinate through the media and academia. They set the narrative, then people vote based on that narrative which always leads to a restriction of rights. In this case, women's suffering (ie rape culture).


Indoctrination in Academia

  • Teachers are being forced to spin every school subject in a SJW issue light which also includes the STEM courses.


College Conspiracy

  • The school system and academia is no longer about education, but about filling the pockets of a few and creating worker drones. Students are being taught that the only way to succeed in life is through this system, and are never taught how to escape it.


SJW's are Useful Idiots

  • Ex-KGB intelligence officer admits the reason why the government creates them, and the probable fates based on similar historical circumstances.

  • This clip, and the one before it are small segments of Yuri Bezmenov: Deception was my job, more like Dark Enlightenment Territory, but highly recommend.


Feminists are Useful Idiots

  • Alain Soral talks about the big picture of feminism and explains why it fails to make women happy. Very good anlaysis.


Reason for Women's Liberation

  • Aaron Russo, explains why the elite and CIA funded women's liberation.

  • The clip is a small segment of Reflections and Warnings. Again, a bit more Dark Enlightenment territory, but highly recommend.


[Planned Obsolescence](

  • Several light bulb manufacturing companies form an official cartel to purposely make light bulbs last 1000 hours less so that consumers need to replace their products more often. This idea has spread and influenced multiple industries, and still exists today.

Why Engagement Rings Are a Scam

  • Big corporations with monopolies on diamond mining artificially restrict the supply of diamonds to give the illusion of scarcity. They then indoctrinated the populace into expecting jewelry to be apart of the relationship dynamic.

Divorce Reality

[Inside America's Lucrative Divorce Industry](

  • VICE conducts a documentary on rich divorce lawyer, and reveals how the business world has adapted to incentivize it in the new marriage climate. Lawyer: "I'm surprised marriage is not an extinct institution"


[Divorce Corp]( (or [here](

  • A documentary narrated by Dr. Drew showing the reality of the family court system.


[Erasing Dad (Argentina)]( [Censored by the State]

  • A documentary showing that the state purposely uses children as financial hostages against the father to extract as much money as they can from him in family courts and child services.

Legal System Advice and Reality

[Don't Ever Talk to the Police](

  • A lawyer and a veteran police detective thoroughly teaches students to never talk to police. Your words can only be used against you, never for you. They will implement many manipulative and deceiving tactics to get a conviction. Always contact a lawyer


[Privatized Prisons]( (Related to Debtor's Prison & assault and rape laws from the All-in-1 Legal Guide for Men)

  • Businesses contract with the government, some requiring 90%-100% occupation quotas, lest they have to pay a fee for unused beds. They are looking for any reason to prosecute you. Prisoners are used to prepare products for big industries for slave wages, creating big profit margins. "Crime goes down, jail population goes up"


Overcriminalization (Incentivized by Prison Quotas)

  • There are over 300k laws, so many that not even the government can keep track. Hundreds of laws are made every year, laws you never would think would be a jailable offense.


Spain's War on Men

  • The courts accept false accusations when claimed by women. Accused men are placed in jail for 48 hours. Over 400 accusations are made a day by women.

What the Decline Looks Like

Demographic Winter (Part 1)

  • Examines the population decline, especially in the west. The fertility rate has dropped below the replacement rate around the world. The average age is shifting upwards (more older people, less younger people).

Demographic Winter (Part 2)

  • Discusses the reasons for the decline including feminism, marriage climate, and self centeredness instead of acting for the good of the community.


[The Beautiful Ones](

  • A rat experiment funded by the Rockefeller Foundation that shows the social effects of removing predators, 'unlimited' resources, in the confinement of limited space. It could be said to be a MGTOW analogy. A good manosphere article analysis, here


RSD Tyler and Julien: Progression vs. Degeneration

Weightlifting Basics (Starting Point)

Strong Lifts 5x5

TRP Comedy

Patrice O'neil


Bill Burr


George Carlin


Marc Rudov


The Amazing Atheist

Who Bitch This Is?

  • Chateau Heartiste analyzes a hilarious video (video inside) that contains an altercation between a gamer champion and a feminist.

The Dad Bod is Worse Than Ebola

  • Deep analysis of the psychology of the dad-bod movement with a lick of humor.


  • The Orbiter

    • Robot Chicken-like animated visual representation of how a girl orbiting a girl looks like.

Recommended Video Channels

Note : If you have any problems with the links or think a video should be added, let me know.

edits: added 1 man vs 5 women fight, overhead press, TL;DR channel, Tom Lekis Channel, OpieRadio Channel, Milo Yiannopoulos Debate, Taxi False Accusation Video, why engagement rings are a scam video, Ex-gf Attempts to Frame Judge by Throwing Herself out of the Car video, Spain's War Against Men, 13 girl false rape accusation conspiracy video, amazing atheist video, dad bod video, RSD Tyler Beta Shaming video, RSD Tyler on frame and pre-selection, RSD Tyler and Julien: Progression vs Degeneration video, Elliot Hulse Channel, Feminists are useful idiots vid, the orbiter video, the 48 privileges exclusive to women video