Women hang around the finish line and fuck the winners.

They apparently don't care about your struggles.

What do they look for? Success indicators—house, car, high income, good style, etc.

If that's the case, why don't we all opt for success by any means necessary?

I think I'm a moral person, I'd like to achieve success by moral means.

But I legit feel like women's sexual selection is incentivizing bad & unethical behaviors.

If the goal is the only thing they care about, honestly there isn't much holding us back other than the law.

We might as well all become Machiavellians and use whatever effective means possible. Succeed by being moral, good. You can also succeed by being unethical.

Why are we even giving power to these women who can't even think clearly, straight and logically? Why are we letting them to sexual-select?

Man I don't understand.