This is an older article but interesting nevertheless:

He Wants Sex, She Doesn’t. Are Beads the Answer?

The premise behind “beading” is simple: The woman keeps a bowl, a.k.a. beadcatcher, by her bedside. When her husband (or lover) is in the mood, he drops a bead into the beadcatcher. The woman has to be ready to slide between the sheets within 24 hours.

“I figured I’d give myself a little wiggle room,” says Evans, from Charleston, S.C., who comes across as a wise-cracking and self-proclaimed sexpert in the not-so-coincidental 40 chapters in her quickie beach read. “We women need a little time to get our brains around the deed. It also gives the man time to anticipate, which they love. When he drops that bead, he is filled with gratitude and love and sexual anticipation and all that positive energy gets funneled in his wife’s direction. It’s a little quantum mechanics, if you will.”

Emphasis added. If your wife needs a little time to wrap her mind around doing it with you it's because she's just not that into you.

The Forty Beads method is a way to reconcile the predicament in which Homo sapiens finds itself: “A man has to have sex to feel close, and a woman has to feel close to want to have sex with him,” says Evans.

Soon enough, promises Evans, sex won’t feel like a chore.

Ironic given that authors like this come up with chores to have sex. Feminists have even tried to convince their hapless husbands that choreplay is one such way to get her into the mood.

“He drops the bead in a bowl and all of a sudden he’s scooping up the baby with the stinking butt instead of walking right past because he is so stinking happy with the promise of all this sex in his future.”

Whoops! Looks like she does want sex to be a chore. For him.

All fun and games aside there is one simple takeaway from this- She doesn't desire sex with you, you are a work horse. She wants you to work for her. And she's lamenting and putting together abstract games to deal with the notion that she might have to put out a little to keep beta little you working. She needs 24 hours to work up to the deed. You should use that 24 hours to find yourself a new wife.