Read from bottom up, old to new (mine is indented): from IrbyTremor [M] via /r/offmychest/ sent just now

OK then go defend Nazi's while never ever questioning your priorities, assumed entitlement to a platform and your complete misappropriation of the concept of free speech.

And then don't contact us anymore

re: you've been banned

from TheYellowRose [M] via /r/offmychest/ sent just now

It doesn't trouble us at all, we have a duty to protect our users and maintain the safe space. Bye. to yellowmix [M] via /r/offmychest/ sent 3 minutes ago

Does the "thought police" aspect of what you're doing trouble you? I don't "support" any sub on Reddit. I read some, I comment on a few.

I'm a Jew but even I would defend a Nazi's right to post his or her thoughts. That's why our founders fought a War and passed a First Amendment.

There are NO bad ideas. John Milton said it better than I can:

“Let her and Falsehood grapple; who ever knew Truth put to the worse in a free and open encounter?”

― John Milton, Areopagitica

re: you've been banned from yellowmix [M] via /r/offmychest/ sent a minute ago

I searched for a post or comment under my name to your sub to no avail. I have never posted here, according to Reddit's search function.

File a bug report with Reddit. It is supposed to be impossible to get a ban notice unless you have accrued karma in this subreddit. You can see the Reddit code that deals with this here:

theredpill is a hate subreddit, the only question is if you support them. They have been invading this community and making it unsafe for our community members, so we are taking preventative measures. As you claim to have never posted here, there is no material change to your situation.

re: you've been banned

I searched for a post or comment under my name to your sub to no avail. I have never posted here, according to Reddit's search function.

2 Be that as it may, I have never posted anything offensive to your sub. So your ban on me is curious to say the least.

As to your second point, I do occasionally, rarely, post to red pill. Like any other sub, I find some of their post informative and many others crap. Just like this sub and most others. But do I understand you correctly that you are banning people from your sub merely for posting to another sub? That you will ban someone who posts on Redpill regardless of how useful or thoughtful his post is to your sub or either one?

from yellowmix [M] via /r/offmychest/ sent an hour ago theredpill continues to invade this and other subreddits, spreading their hateful messages. We are automatically banning any supporter of this hate group.

If you received a ban notice, you must have posted, commented, or voted in this subreddit sometime, anytime, in the past, as recorded by Reddit. Everyone else does not get the ban notice. If you do not support theredpill, we are willing to discuss and unban.

I've been banned but I've never actually posted to the sub. Could you explain? Thanks. Did I do something that I"m not aware of?

Interesting. Why? I've never even posted there. Could you share a reason? Thanks.

subreddit message via /r/offmychest/ sent 12 hours ago

you have been banned from posting to /r/offmychest: Off My Chest | What you've been holding in for too long.