In the 3rd installment of my Fasting for SMV series, Ill share my protocol.

My intention was for yall to rethink the misinformation that a couple days of no food would make your muscles will shrivel up and kill you. I expected you to play in the very safe shallow end of the fasting pool (less than 3 days) and figure out what works with your own goals and lifestyle.

Alas, folks need to see my photos and have me tell them what to do if their hands get cold or what to eat for breakfast after skipping 1 dinner and can they possibly lift without a protein recovery shake?????

Ummmm.....suck it up pussy?

Anyway, this (and many if not most Sundays) Ill have 1 meal between 12 and 5pm. Thats it. Monday I drink coffee and water with a splash of lemon and a pinch of salt. Tuesday I resume life as if the fast never happened.

If you want to lose more weight, fast longer and more frequently. If you want to maintain this gives you leeway for cheat meals and binge drinking with buxom blondes who want your D.

See 44 Hour Fast or watch Snake Fast videos for more details (not needed) and/or motivation.

Before you ask..Yes you can lift on the fast day, I do 2 a days if you count cardio sometimes and its fine.