When i see my friends proudly posting pics like this, i can't help but think...

"y'know what, my angry white lady friends? you are the single largest voting block, by an overwhelming and statistically insurmountable margin. you outlive and outvote every other other demographic-- particularly men, and minority men by double digits. you work the fewest hours, but also control the lion's share of this country's wealth. you enjoy better, more consistent health care, have more disposable income, and have fewer work obligations. you're the unquestioned top dog here. you have the means, the status, the time, and the health to vote, and you do-- you are 54% of the electorate (in which white women are also massively over-represented, thanks to all of the above)

so when YOU shove an utterly unelectable democratic candidate down our throats, not because she's a good person, or accomplished anything of substance (unless you count proudly stumping for institutional persecution of gays with DODT & DOMA, and blacks with "super predator" sentencing), but only because she's another white person with a vagina...

and when the overwhelmingly white, overwhelming female voters that do finally show up to vote in this already doomed election, all swing heavily to Trump---

i'm not sure you really get to put on pink hats every year and wag your fingers at the rest of us, do you? when this was your show from the word go? "

but then i think "well, duh, of course you can. because you're doing it. and not only that, everybody is fawning all over you for it, telling you how amazing and courageous you are. for screaming at us for the mess you made. for protesting, essentially, yourselves."

and then, finally, i think "yeah, no fuckin way i'm not posting any of that. i would get crucified. it's just not worth the abject misery, to ever dare contradict a white girl in a pink kittykat hat."

and then i go play call of duty.