Disclaimer: Yes we know a lot of you are against steroid use. I’m in no way pushing for anyone to get into something they aren’t ready for. Nor do I even think it’s a route people should take, especially without extensive research and years of training under their belt. But guess what people are going to use them anyway. I’m all for killing it natty. Keep it up. With that being said. These post are going to keep coming when I get time. Please keep your moral talk about the topic off the post. This is here to educate those who want the knowledge whether they are users, potential users, or neither. I’d also love for others with knowledge on the topic to add to it. Thanks fellas


These post will be written as to obtain maximum results. I know you can take the shit. Sit on the couch and not do anything And will still gain some muscle but you’re still going to look like shit. that isn’t what we’re shooting for And IMO shouldn’t be if you’re going to make the jump to PED. If you’re using this as a “short cut” because you hate training/dieting. You’re in for a surprise and wasting your money. Roids definitely allow for a plethora of muscle gain past ones natural genetic ability but by no means are they a replacement for hard work.

Genetics are everything.

Society links all roid use with Arnold, Ronnie Coleman, Rich piana. Ledger. Etc. These guys are genetic freaks that most of us couldn’t look like in 3 lifetimes because our genes won’t allow it. Not only that they dedicate their lives to this. Literally.

Society had brain washed me into thinking I can take this shit and look like them in a month. Boy was I wrong, and that’s why you should research the shit out of this stuff so you know what you’re actually getting into. I didn’t at first, Matter of a fact most of the “decently” sized dudes at the gym are on this shit. Some of them you wouldn’t even be able to tell. Because their genes suck or their diets. Or they just don’t know what the fuck their doing.

Your genetics will ultimately determine your results. If you have shitty muscle insertions. Nothing is going to fix that. How your body reacts to these compounds will ultimately depend on your genes. A certain cycle may work good for me. But you get all sides and bloated from it. I might not get any sides. You might get them all. I might grow 35lbs in one cycle. You might only grow 15lb. All this shit is trial and error to figure out what works best with your genes.

Guys can recommend this and that. But you won’t know what works best for YOU until YOU try it.

With that being said I’d stay off the forums when researching or deciding on what to do. You don’t know what any of these guys actually look like. Nor do you have their same genetic makeup. Go get your research from credible sources and find a good starting point and put your own plan together. See what works. Toss what doesn’t, It takes times, Like I said this is no shortcut and will not be a “one cycle and done thing”. It never is.

Drugs are in no way replacement for good dieting

Most of these drugs (not all) just repair muscle faster, And better use the nutrients you put in your body. So if you don’t train at all your muscles aren’t repairing. And if you don’t eat right. You will still get fat. You will have minimal gains. And It will show.

My best cycle ever was when I lowered all my dosages. Saw a nutritionist. Weighted my meals. And followed a strict diet. Diet is still 70% here for maximum results. Diets so important that if you have that in check you can almost fuck off on your training (NOT telling you to do this.) and still get great results. And since this is the question everyone always asks

“What drugs will help me lose fat?”

Besides DNP which can actually kill you. And high amounts of growth hormone/insulin that you can’t afford to be on and can also kill you (improper use of insulin). Nothing does without proper diet. No you can’t take winny and lose the 20% fat you have while still eating Big Macs. Winny doesn’t even work like that, and I hear about all these fat guys taking winny like dumbasses. but that’s a topic for another day.

And even for the more mild fat burners if you aren’t eating right you won’t see shit for results. And almost all anabolics will not do shit for fat loss. You might lose some water weight and have a metabolism boost. But like I said. It’s still not going to give you the results you’re looking for. You can’t eat like shit.

Not to mention being on test and eating fried foods and absolute shit is extremely bad for your body. So if you don’t plan on eating clean and taking your diet very seriously don’t expect spectacular results.

“But Trengod I did a cycle of tren and ate like shit and still was 8% bf and gained tons of muscle”

Yea we’ll good for you. Your genetics are in the top 5%, and yea, keep doing that.... See how long till your body starts giving you issues.

Your muscles will grow way faster than your ligaments and tendons.

Guys start their first cycle benching 185lb and by week six their repping 225lb. Great. But remember your muscles are growing far more rapid than your joints, ligaments, and tendons.

Eventually they won’t be able to keep up and you’re going to snap some shit. Be patient. Even if you can lift 15 more lbs next week. Only go up 5-10. Don’t overdo it. Even if you think your body will allow it. Push yourself but be smart. So many guys get injuries, even intermediate and pros because they forget this.

More is not always better

Steroids don’t work like other drugs. More doesn’t mean better, bigger. It usually means more side effects.

If you’re cycling properly you should not need to keep upping your dosage every time. It’s about finding what dosage works for you. And sticking with that for a while. There will come a time when you will no longer get greater results from that particular dosage and you’ll need to bump up. But that comes with years of experience and knowing your body and what works with you. You shouldn’t be on huge dosages of shit right off the bat nor should you been bumping up every time you take it.

Get labs done.

Before. During cycle (About 6-8 weeks in) and after (to see how long it takes to get back to baseline)

Don’t be cheap. Just do it. Your Health is everything.

Listen to your body

If your body is telling you, you need rest. Take rest.

If your body is telling you this drug isn’t working with you. Stop it.

If your body is telling you lower the weight. Lower the weight. Don’t be a hero.

If your body is telling you to jump off. Jump off.

Form form. Fucking form.

Side note: Unless powerlifting is your goal with this, you don’t need to be going crazy heavy all the time. It’s good to throw in there, but you shouldn’t be doing it all the time. Your body will pay and so will you in years to come. Like I said diet over everything.

Also go by the mirror. Not the scale. The scale will fuck with you immensely on this stuff. You will fluctuate 8-10 lbs in a day. You think you look your biggest. Step on the scale and see your down 8 lbs. look back and think you look small. It’s a huge mind fuck and has a lot to do with food and water weight. Stay off the scale constantly. Weight yourself weekly if you want to keep a weight tab.

Yes there are risks!

These are hormones we’re dealing with. So yes you might experience some more aggression. You might be moody. You might get acne. You might bloat. Your blood pressure might sky rocket. You might become sterile (although I have never personally heard of it happening to anyone. All my buddies have kids and been cycling for years. But it’s still possible)

I’m not going to sit here and lay all the risks and side effects out for you. That’s for you to research on your own for the drugs you plan on using.

But with that being said (I am currently off) but I have been running this for about 5 years now with little to no short term side effects. And no known long term at the moment. I get bloods done. I take breaks. I eat clean. I take all the necessary precautions to ensure I do this as safe as possible.

I also have friends who have been running up to 20 years plus. With the same deal. My one buddy is 45 and looks 28 and been running it for 20 years. Again genetics play into this.

Also these are drugs and can be addicting. Most of the guys I know who use this stuff will never stop. Or go for a while before they do. It becomes addicting to watch your body grow right in front of your eyes. I also can cause body dysmorphia where you never feel big enough and you’re the biggest guy in the gym.

So if you’re one of those “I just want to run one cycle” guys. You’re probably wrong.

In conclusion

With that being said. If you take in account all the risks. And still decide you want to take the plunge. Some These compounds are extraordinary, and with hard work and patience, can have you looking almost anyway you want. I have been doing this for years and I personally don’t regret a thing and love what they do. Do your research. And decide for yourself. Train hard. Eat harder. And reap the benefits. I respect both guy who juice and those who don’t. I hope you guys can do the same.

I will be posting more in the future to dig a little deeper into to each compound and other topics. If you have any suggestions. Lmk.

Train safe!