When you start with a girl, then the whole negging / amused deflection thing works fine. However, it stops working the relationship starts going longer and the stakes get higher, like if children / pregnancy are potentially involved. How do you handle this situation without going beta, assuming that you want an LTR?

For example, let's say she gives you interview questions (because she is insecure obviously) and you deflect, joke about it. She enters the relationship. So far, so good. Ok, now let's say it is 6 months down the road and things are getting more serious (pregnancy is looming or whatever) with this particular girl and she is STILL asking interview questions, but then confronts you about your "avoiding" her, ie by saying things like "You never answer my questions" or "You are always joking, this is serious". So, obviously continuing to play the Chad is not probably going to work anymore at this point, so the question is how to handle it. Some of the options are:

(1) Keep joking and deflecting and let her get more and more angry until she leaves.

(2) Confront her with her own weakness: "It is your own insecurities and desire for control that is causing you to ask these kinds of question."

(3) Confront her with the role reality: ""The reason I don't answer the questions is because they are disrespectful to me and I am the man, so I expect you to follow my lead, not interrogate me."

(4) Make no answer at all and remain silent.

(5) (other?)