so as many of yall know I had shoulder surgery last year. My final checkup w doc basically said I’m cleared for everything; just be cautious w certain lifts etc etc.

Everything was going well until a bit over a month ago. I kinda switched over from pt exercises to yoga; and went for a lift. Did light shoulder work as normal. Next day my shoulder started clicking and catching and bein extra crunchy.

Tried a few more lifts after that; pretty much same result every time so I stopped lifting for about a month.

On one end; it may have been caused by sleeping on my side (saw some pt vids ab sleeping posture and adjusted w pillows n shit which did help a lot).

Went to doc today, explained this same shit and he said it’s fine - didn’t even want to give me mri or anything; said I’m good to go back to lifting and swimming and to cut out/add in few certain movements.

Anyone w shoulder injuries/surgeries experience anything like this? Should I take doc’s word? Idk. The grinding catching feeling feels sus as fuck and it could be symptom of torn tendons.