Fuck, guys.

A girl I was with last night who knows me fairly well really got under my skin when she asked what I'm doing with my life/why I'm not doing something I'm more passionate about.

Deep down, I do feel this HUGE societal pressure to do something I'm passionate about in my job. I told her I'm doing whatever I want... that I like my hobbies much more than being obsessed with a single job. And most of me does think that's the truth. I do have a job in the airline that pays shit, but allows me to fly all over the place, and an electrician apprenticeship in a family business that gives me good exercise, and a higher per-hour wage than that graphic designer girl I was banging will ever make.

I enjoy working with my hands and tools MUCH MUCH more than clicking at a computer all day (past experience grant writing and a life of experience sitting in front of a computer). Many many hobbies: motorcycle building, BJJ, rock climbing furniture making- I've even sold a few pieces this year.

I'm 25, I dropped out of university for architecture with about a year left- and I guess I just don't know... I think part of me wants to own what I'm currently doing and just feel good about it, but another part of me really does think I'm not hitting my potential and fuck I should get a computer science or engineering degree (I took quite a few math courses at Uni) and move out west, make a buttload of money, not destroy my body at work, and have the ability to help on some awesome projects out there (would love to be able to contribute to things like TOR, etc).

Any thoughts on passion at your job? Do you do a job you're passionate about? Do you just go where the money is and enjoy the life that that money gives you? Where is the balance?

And yeah, I did say I don't want to be in front of a computer, but let's be honest here.. jobs that aren't 60 hours a week and don't kill your back, that pay well that aren't computer related and aren't at super high risk of automation/destruction by 3d-printer? Yeah. There are certainly perks to desk jobs, I guess. And just as working with my hands is awesome, the downside is it wears on my body.